UV/Vis+ Photochemistry Database

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UV/Vis+ Photochemistry Database

Literature- Service: Sulfur Compounds I

Substances (unsorted): S, S2, S8, COS, CS2, C2S, CSCl2, FSO3, (FSO3)2, FSO2OF, H2S, D2S, S2N2, H2SO4, SO, SO2, SO3, S2O, S2O2, SF5CF3, (SF5)3N, SOF2, SO2F2, SF5O2, SF4, SF5, SF5Cl, SF6, CH3SH, C2H5SH, CH3SCH3, CD3SCD3, C2H5ClS, C4H3ClS, CH3SC2H5, CH3SSCH3, C2H5SC2H5, C3H7SC3H7, C4H9SC4H9, C6H10S, (CH3)2SO, (CD3)2SO, CH4O3S, C5H4OS, CH3(Cl)S(O)CH3, C2F6OS2, CH3SNO, C2H2N2S, C2H6N2S, C2Cl2N2S, C3H8N2S, C4H10N2S, C5H12N2S, C7H6N2S, C5H6N2S2, SCl2, S2Cl2, SOCl2, SO2Cl2, SN, CH3NS, CHD2NS, CH4N2S, C2H3NS, C2H3NS, C2H5NS, C3H3NS, C3H7NS, C4H9NS, C7H5NS, C12H9NS, C2H5NS2, C3H3NS2, C3H5NS2, C3H7NS2, C4H9NS2, C7H5NS2, C8H7NS, C8H7NS2, C4H4S, C4H5N3S, C3H6S, C4H6S, C5H5N5S, C5H10S, C5H12S, C4H8S, C4H8Cl2S, C10H14SC10H16S, C2H5SCH2COC6H5, n-C4H9SCH2CO2C2H5, C7H8O3S, C6H5SCH2COCH3, C4H5NO2S2, C5H7NO2S2, C3H7NO2S, C6H7NO2S, C6H11NO2S, C6H11NO3S, C7H5NOS C7H7NO2S, C11H9NO2S, C11H11N3O2S, C12H9NO2S, C6H10OS, C7H8OS, C8H8OS, C9H10OS, C10H8O3S, C13H12O4S2, C7H6O2S, C10H8O4S, C10H8O7S2, C12H10O2S, C12H16O2S, C13H8O6S, C7H14O3S, C9H10O3S, C13H12N4S, S2Br2, C12H8Br2O2S, C6H12N2S3, C6H12N2S4, C2H4S, C3H6S, C4H10S; C4H8S2; C2H6S3, C3H6S3, C6H10S, C6H10S2, C8H6S, C8H18S2, C10H22S2, C4H10S2, C6H6S, C6H12S, C6H14S2, C6H4S4, C7H8S, C7H12S, C8H10S, C12H8S, C12H10S, C12H16S, C12H18S, C12H22S2, C13H18S, C14H10S, C14H14S2, C14H14S, C5H10O2S, C6H6O2S, C7H8O2S, CF3SSNSO, C2H4OS, C2H3ClOS, C2H2Cl2OS, C2HCl3OS, C16H34S, C32H66S, C32H66S2, C32H66S3, C32H66S4, C3H4O3S, C4H4OS, C4H6OS, C4H8OS, C5H10OS2, C6H10O2S3, C7H12O2S3, C8H10OS, C9H12OS3, C14H28OS, C16H32OS, C17H12OS, C18H36OS, C19H38OS, C19H16OS3, C28H54O2S2, C32H62O2S2, C36H70O2S, C36H70O2S2, C4H9NOS, C4H4N2OS, C5H6N2OS, C6H8N2OS, C4H4N2S2, C13H11NO5S, C6H7NO3S, C6H8N2O2S, C10H14N2O2S, C7H6N2O4S, C8H10N2O3S, C9H12N4O3S, C10H17N3O6S, C11H11N3O3S3, C12H8N2O4S2, C12H12N4O3S, C12H18N2O4S, C13H13N3O3S, C13H13N3O5S2, C13H14N4O3S, C13H15N3O4S, C14H15N4O3S, C15H14N2O4S, C15H15NO2S, C15H16N2O2S, C15H17N3O5S, C17H18N2O3S, C14H14O2S2, C12H10S2, C14H14S2, C20H26O10S2, C15H16ClN3S, C16H18ClN3S, C21H18O5S

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Authors Journal/Source Title/Paper Data Sheet
S; sulfur; CAS-No.: 7704-34-9
R.I. Billmers, A.L. Smith J. Phys. Chem. 95, 4242-4245, (1991) Ultraviolet-Visible Absorption Spectra of Equilibrium Sulfur Vapor: Molar Absorptivity Spectra of S3 and S4

S2; disulfur; sulfur dimer; CAS-No.: 23550-45-0; PubChem: CID 5460602
H.R. Hrodmarsson, G.A. Garcia, L. Nahon, J.-C. Loison, B. Gans J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 381, 111533, (2021) High resolution threshold photoelectron spectrum and autoionization processes of S2 up to 15.0 eV

S8; octasulfur; octathiocane; CAS-No.: 10544-50-0; PubChem: 66348
J.E. Baer, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (4), 1215-1218, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of aliphatic sulfides and polysulfides

COS; carbonyl sulfide; CAS-No.: 463-58-1; PubChem: CID 10039
W.C. Price, D.M. Simpson Proc. Roy. Soc. London, A169, 501-512, (1939) The absorption spectra of carbon dioxide and carbon oxysulphide in the vacuum ultra-violet

K.S. Sidhu, I.G. Csizmadia, O.P. Strausz, H.E. Gunning J. Am. Chem. Soc., 88 (11), 2412-2417, (1966) The Reactions of Sulfur Atoms. VII. The Ultraviolet Spectrum, the Photolysis, and the Mercury Sensitization of Carbonyl Sulfide

I. Kopp Can. J. Phys., 45 (12), 4011-4017, (1967) On the spectrum of OCS in the vacuum ultraviolet

G.R. Cook, M. Ogawa J. Chem. Phys., 51, 647-652, (1969) Photoionization and absorption coefficients of OCS

W.M. Breckenridge, H. Taube J. Chem. Phys., 52, 1713-1715, (1970) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of Carbonyl Sulfide 

R.D. Hudson Rev. of Geophysics and Space Physics, 9 (2), (1971) Critical review of ultraviolet photoabsorption cross sections for molecules of astrophysical and aeronomic interest

B.M. Ferro, B.G. Reuben Trans. Faraday Soc., 67, 2847, (1971) Temperature Dependence of Absorption Spectrum of Carbonyl Sulphide in Quartz Ultra-Violet 

K.M. Monahan, W.C. Walker J. Chem. Phys., 63, 5126-5130, (1975) Vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectra of solid OCS at 53 K

A.W. Potts, G.H. Fattahallah J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 13, 2545, (1980) High-resolution ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy of CO2, COS and CS2

L.T. Molina, J.J. Lamb, M.J. Molina Geophys. Res. Lett., 8, 1008-1011, (1981) Temperature Dependent UV Absorption Cross Sections for Carbonyl Sulfide

B. Leroy, G. Le Bras, P. Rigaud Ann. Geophys., 37, 297-302, (1981) Spectres d'absorption dans l'ultraviolet de composes soufres d'interet  aeronomique 

R.N. Rudolph, E.C.Y. Inn J. Geophys. Res., 86, 9891-9894, (1981) OCS Photolysis and Absorption in the 200 - 300 nm Region 

C.Y.R. Wu, D.L. Judge J. Chem. Phys., 76, 2871, (1982) Study of sulfur-containing molecules in the EUV region. II. Photoabsorption cross section of COS

M.I. McCarthy, V. Vaida J. Phys. Chem., 92 (21), 5875-5879, (1988) Electronic spectrum of carbon oxide sulfide (OCS) at 62000-72000 cm-1

R. Locht, K. Hottmann, H. Baumgärtel BESSY Jahresbericht 1994, 132-134, (1994) The OCS Molecule. The Photoabsorption Spectrum. The Threshold Photoelectron and CIS-photoelectron Spectra

C.Y.R. Wu, F.Z. Chen, D.L. Judge J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 61, 265-271, (1999) Temperature-Dependent Photoabsorption Cross Sections of OCS in the 2000–2600 A Region;  (370 K, 295 K, 170 K)

R. Feng, G. Cooper, C.E. Brion Chem. Phys., 252, 359-378, (2000) Quantitative studies of the photoabsorption of carbonyl sulphide in the valence-shell, S 2p, 2s and C 1s inner-shell regions (4–360 eV) by dipole electron impact spectroscopies

A.J. Colussi, F.-Y. Leung, A.M.R. Hoffmann Environmental Chemistry, 1(1), 44-48, (2004) Electronic Spectra of Carbonyl Sulfide Sulfur Isotopologues

R.A. Toth, K. Sung, L.R. Brown, T.J. Crawford J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 111, 1193-1208, (2010) Line positions and strengths of 41 bands including 10OCS isotopologues in the 3850-4200 cm-1 region

S. Hattori, S.O. Danielache, M.S. Johnson, J.A. Schmidt, H.G. Kjaergaard, S. Toyoda, Y. Ueno, N. Yoshida Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 10293-10303, (2011) Ultraviolet absorption cross sections of carbonyl sulfide isotopologues OC32S, OC33S, OC34S and O13CS: isotopic fractionation in photolysis and atmospheric implications

K. Sunanda, B.N. Rajasekhar, P. Saraswathy, B.N. Jagatap J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 113 (1), 58-66, (2012) Photo-absorptionstudies on carbonyl sulphide in 30,000 - 91,000 cm-1 region using synchrotron radiation

P. Limao-Vieira, F. Ferreira da Silva, D. Almeida, M. Hoshino, H. Tanaka, D. Mogi, T. Tanioka, N.J. Mason, S.V. Hoffmann, M.-J. Hubin-Franskin, F. Delwiche J. Chem. Phys., 142, 064303, (2015) Electronic excitation of carbonyl sulphide (COS) by high-resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption and electron-impact spectroscopy in the energy region from 4 to 11 eV

H. Grosch, A. Fateev, S. Clausen J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 154, 28-34, (2015) UV absorption cross-sections of selected sulfur-containing compounds at temperatures up to 500° C

D.M.P. Holland, D.A. Shaw Chem. Phys., 479, 151-159, (2016) A study of the valence shell absolute photoabsorption, photoionisation and photodissociation cross sections and the photoionisation quantum efficiency of carbonyl sulphide

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
C.Y.R. Wu, T.S. Yih, D.L. Judge Inter. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes, 68, 303-315, (1986) Study of Sulfur-Containing Molecules in the EUV Region. V. CS2+ (A) and COS+ (A) Fluorescence Excitation Functions

CS2; carbon disulfide; CAS-No.: 75-15-0; PubChem: CID 6348
B. Kleman Can. J. Phys., 41 (12), 2034-2063, (1963) The near-ultraviolet absorption spectrum of CS2

A.E. Douglas, I. Zanon Can. J. Phys., 42 (4), 627-631, (1964) The 2100 Å bands of CS2

R.D. Hudson Rev. of Geophysics and Space Physics, 9 (2), (1971) Critical review of ultraviolet photoabsorption cross sections for molecules of astrophysical and aeronomic interest

R. Vasudev, J.C.D. Brand Can. J. Chem., 58(5), 454-457, (1980) Excitation spectrum of the near-ultraviolet bands of CS2

A.W. Potts, G.H. Fattahallah J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 13, 2545, (1980) High-resolution ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy of CO2, COS and CS2

M.-J. Hubin-Franskin, J. Delwiche, P. Natalis, G. Caprace, D. Roy J. Electron Spectr. Rel. Phenomena, 18 (3), 295-308, (1980) On the photoelectron spectrum of CS2

P.H. Wine, W.L. Chameides, A.R. Ravishankara Geophys. Res. Lett., 8, 543-546, (1981) Potential Role of CS2 Photooxidation in Tropospheric Sulfur Chemistry 

B. Leroy, G. Le Bras, P. Rigaud Ann. Geophys., 37, 297-302, (1981) Spectres d'absorption dans l'ultraviolet de composes soufres d'interet aeronomique 

C.Y.R. Wu, D.L. Judge Geophys. Res. Lett., 8, 769-771, (1981) SO2 and CS2 Cross Section Data in the Ultraviolet Region 

F. Carnovale, M.G. White, C.E. Brion J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom., 24, 63-76, (1981) Absolute dipole oscillator strengths for photoabsorption and photoionization of carbon disulphide

B. Leroy, P. Rigaud, J.L. Jourdain, G. Le Bras Moon Planets, 29, 177-183, (1983) Spectres d'absorption dans le proche ultraviolet de CS2 et SO2 entre 200 et 300 K

C.Y.R. Wu, D.L. Judge J. Chem. Phys., 78, 2180, (1983) Study of Sulfur-Containing Molecules in the EUV Region. III. Photoexcitation of CS2

J.E. Dove, H. Hippler, J. Plach, J. Troe J. Chem. Phys., 81, 1209-1214, (1984) Ultraviolet Spectra of Vibrationally Excited CS2 Molecules

C.S. Yoo, G.E. Duvall, J. Furrer, R. Granholm J. Phys. Chem., 93 (8), 3012-3021, (1989) Effects of pressure and dilution on the visible and ultraviolet spectrum of liquid carbon disulfide under shock compression

W. Schneider, G.K. Moortgat priv. comm., (1990) MPI Mainz, 1990 

C.H. Hearn, J.A. Joens J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 45, 69-75, (1991) The near UV absorption spectrum of CS2 and SO2 at 300 K

S.M. Ahmed, V. Kumar Pramana - J. Phys., 39, 367-380, (1992) Measurement of photoabsorption and fluorescence cross sections for carbon disulfide at 188-213 and 287.5-339.5 nm

H. Xu, J.A. Joens Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 1035-1037, (1993) CS2 Absorption Cross-Section Measurements from 187 nm to 230 nm

R. Locht, K. Hottmann, W. Denzer, H. Baumgärtel BESSY Jahresbericht 1993, 148-150, (1993) The Absorption Spectrum and the Threshold- and CIS-photoelectron Spectra of CS2

F.Z. Chen, C.Y.R. Wu Geophys. Res. Lett., 22 , 2131-2134, (1995) High, room, and low temperature photoabsorption cross sections of CS2 in the 1800 - 2300 A region;  (383 K, 295 K, 203 K)

J. Baker, S. Couris J. Chem. Phys., 104, 6130-6137, (1996) The 1550-1460 Å region of CS2

C. Cossart-Magos, M. Horani, M. Jungen, F. Launey J. Chem. Phys., 104, 7412, (1996) The high resolution absorption spectrum of jet-cooled CS2 between 50500 and 65500 cm-1

C. Cossart-Magos, H. Lefebvre-Brion, M. Jungen, F. Launey J. Chem. Phys., 107, 1308, (1997) High resolution absorption spectrum of jet-cooled CS2 between 65000 and 71000 cm-1 ... 

A.C. Vandaele Thesis, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, (1997)

Développements d'instruments pour la détection de constituants troposphériques minoritaires par spectroscopie différentielle dans le domaine UV-visible 

C. Cossart-Magos, M. Jungen, F. Launey J. Chem. Phys., 109, 6666, (1998) High-resolution absorption spectrum of jet-cooled CS2 between 70500 and 81550 cm-1: np and nf Rydberg series converging to the first ionization potential

W.-J. Lo, Y.-P. Lee Chem. Phys. Let., 336, 71-75, (2001) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of cyclic CS2 in solid Ar

V. Dookwah-Roberts, R. Soller, J.M. Nicovich, P.H. Wine J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 176 (1-3), 114-123, (2005) Spectroscopic and kinetic study of the gas-phase CS2-Cl adduct

H. Grosch, A. Fateev, S. Clausen J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 154, 28-34, (2015) UV absorption cross-sections of selected sulfur-containing compounds at temperatures up to 500° C

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
C.Y.R. Wu, T.S. Yih, D.L. Judge Inter. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes, 68, 303-315, (1986) Study of Sulfur-Containing Molecules in the EUV Region. V. CS2+ (A) and COS+ (A) Fluorescence Excitation Functions

Additional datasheets and spectra of CS2 are available at  our Spectra Service
C2S-; C2S; thioxoethenylidene
E. Riaplov, M. Wyss, J.P. Maier, D. Panten, G. Chambaud, R. Rosmus, J. Fabian J. Mol. Spectr., 222, 15-21, (2003) Electronic absorption spectra of CCS- and CCS in neon matrices

CSCl2; thiophosgene; carbon chlorosulfide; thiocarbonyl chloride; CAS-No.: 463-71-8
L. Burnelle J. Chem. Phys., 24, 620, (1956) Electronic Absorption Spectrum of the Thiophosgene Molecule

D. Chadwick Can. J. Chemistry, 50, 737-746, (1972) Photoelectron spectra of phosgene and thiophosgene

E.R. Farnworth, G.W. King J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 46, 419-428, (1973) The 2780 Å absorption system of thiophosgene

T. Oka, A.R. Knight, R.P. Steer J. Chem. Phys., 63, 2414-2420, (1975) A spectroscopic study of fluorescence from the second excited singlet state of thiophosgene vapor

H. Okabe J. Chem. Phys., 66, 2058-2062, (1977) Photodissociation of thiophosgene

M. Maciejewski, M. Szymanski, R.P. Steer Chem. Phys., 165, 101-112, (1992) A dark, excited electronic state of thiophosgene in the near ultraviolet

A. Maciejewski, M. Szymanski, R.P. Steer Can. J. Chem., 71(10), 1548-1555, (1993) Thiophosgene monomer-dimer equilibria in perfluoroalkane solutions: spectroscopic and photophysical implications of self-association in the ground state

T.S. Einfeld, C. Maul, K.-H. Gericke, A. Chichinin J. Chem. Phys., 117, 1123-1129, (2002) Photodissociation of CSCl2 at 235 nm: Kinetic energy distributions and branching ratios of Cl atoms and CSCl radicals

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
G.S. Ondrey, R. Bersohn J. Chem. Phys., 79, 175-178, (1983) The photodissociation of thiophosgene at 248 nm

FSO3; fluorosulphate radical
E. Castellano, R. Gatti, J.E. Sicre, H.J. Schumacher Z. Phys. Chem., NF 42, 174, (1964) Das Gleichgewicht F2S2O6 = 2 FSO3, das Absorptionsspektrum des Radikals FSO3 und die Kinetik der thermischen Reaktion zwischen Bis-Sulfurylfluoridperoxid und Schwefeltetrafluorid.

A.E. Croce J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 51, 293-299, (1990) Spectrokinetic determination of fluorosulphate radical absorption cross-sections 

J.D. Burley, H.S. Johnston J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chemistry, 66, 141-151, (1992) Photoabsorption cross-sections of (FSO3)2 and FSO3

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
G.W. King C.H. Warren J. Molecular Spectroscopy, 32, 121-137, (1969) The fluorosulfate radical: Vibrational analysis of the 5160 A absorption system

F2O6S2; (FSO3)2; peroxydisulfuryl difluoride; CAS-No.: 13709-32-5
J.D. Burley, H.S. Johnston J. Photochem. and Photobiol. A: Chemistry, 66, 141-151, (1992) Photoabsorption cross-sections of (FSO3)2 and FSO3

C.J. Cobos, A.E. Croce Z. Phys. Chem., 221, 897-909, (2007) Evidences for a new Ultraviolet Absorption Band of the FSO3 Radical

F2O3S; FSO2OF; fluorine fluorosulfonate; CAS-No.: 
A.E. Croce J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chemistry, 51, 293-299, (1990) Spectrokinetic determination of fluorosulphate radical absorption cross-sections

H2S; hydrogen sulfide; sulfane; CAS-No.: 7783-06-4; PubChem: CID 402
K. Watanabe, A.S. Jursa J. Chem. Phys., 41, 1650, (1964) Absorption and photoionization cross sections of H2O and H2S

S.D. Thompson, D.G. Carroll, F. Watson, M. O'Donnell, S.P. McGlynn J. Chem. Phys., 45, 1367-1379, (1966) Electronic spectra and structure of sulfur compounds 

J. Delwiche, P. Natalis Chem. Phys. Lett., 5, 564-566, (1970) Photoelectron spectrometry of hydrogen sulfide

J. Delwiche, P. Natalis, J.E. Collin Int. J. Mass Spectrometry Ion Physics, 5, 443-455, (1970) High resolution photoelectron spectrometry of H2S and H2Se 

R.D. Hudson Rev. of Geophysics and Space Physics, 9 (2), (1971) Critical review of ultraviolet photoabsorption cross sections for molecules of astrophysical and aeronomic interest

W. Hayes, F.C. Brown Phys. Rev. A, 6, 21-30, (1972) Absorption by some molecular gases in the extreme ultraviolet

H. Masuko, Y. Morioka, M. Nakamura, E. Ishiguro, M. Sasanuma Can. J. Phys., 57 (5), 745-760, (1979) Absorption spectrum of the H2S molecule in the vacuum ultraviolet region

T. Ibuki, H. Koizumi, T. Yoshimi, M. Morita, S. Arai, K. Hironaka, K. Shinsaka, Y. Hatano, Y. Yagishita, K. Ito Chem. Phys. Lett., 119 (4), 327-330, (1985) Photoabsorption cross sections of H2S

L.C. Lee, X. Wang, M. Suto J. Chem. Phys., 86, 4353, (1987) Quantitative photoabsorption and fluorescence spectroscopy of H2S and D2S at 49–240 nm

K. Wang, M.-T. Lee, V. McKoy, R.T. Wiedmann, M.G. White Chem. Phys. Lett., 219, 397-404, (1994) Rotationally resolved threshold photoelectron spectroscopy of H2O and H2S

R.A. Brownsword, T. Laurent, R.K. Vatsa, H.-R. Volpp, J. Wolfrum Chem. Phys. Lett., 258, 164-170, (1996) Photodissociation dynamics of HNCO at 248 nm

C.Y.R. Wu, F.Z. Chen J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 60 (1), 17-23, (1998) Temperature-dependent photoabsorption cross sections of H2S in the 1600–2600 A region (370 K, 295 K, 170 K)

J.-M. Flaud, O. Vaittinen, A. Campargue J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 190, 262-268, (1998) The H2S Spectrum around 0.7 µm

R. Feng, G. Cooper, C.E. Brion Chem. Phys., 249, 223-236, (1999) Absolute oscillator strengths for hydrogen sulphide II. Ionic photofragmentation and photoionization in the valence shell continuum regions (10–60 eV)

R.K. Vatsa, H.-R. Volpp Chem. Phys. Let., 340, 289-295, (2001) Absorption cross-sections for some atmospherically important molecules at the H atom Lyman-alpha wavelength (121.567 nm)

Y. Ding, O. Naumenko, S.-M. Hu, Q. Zhu, E. Bertseva, A. Campargue J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 217, 222-238, (2003) The absorption spectrum of H2S between 9540 and 10000 cm-1 by interactive laser absorption spectroscopy with a vertical external cavity surface emitting laser

H. Grosch, A. Fateev, S. Clausen J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 154, 28-34, (2015) UV absorption cross-sections of selected sulfur-containing compounds at temperatures up to 500° C

D2S; hydrogen sulfide-d2; CAS-No.: 13536-94-2
L.C. Lee, X. Wang, M. Suto J. Chem. Phys., 86, 4353, (1987) Quantitative photoabsorption and fluorescence spectroscopy of H2S and D2S at 49–240 nm

S2N2; disulfur dinitride; dinitrogen disulfide; CAS-No.: 25474-92-4; PubChem: CID 141213
X. Zeng, A.F. Antognini, H. Beckers, H. Willner Angewandte Chemie, 54 (9), 2758-2761, (2015) Isomers of Disulfur Dinitride, S2N2

H2SO4; sulfuric acid; CAS-No.: 7664-93-9; PubChem: CID 1118
J.L. Weeks, G.M.A.C. Meaburn, S. Gordon Radiation Research, 19, 559-567, (1963) Absorption coefficients of liquid water and aqueous solutions in the far ultraviolet

M. Suto, E.R. Manzanares, L.C. Lee Environ. Sci. Technol., 19, 815-820, (1985) Detection of sulfuric acid aerosols by ultraviolet scattering

J.B. Burkholder, M. Mills, S. McKeen Geophys. Res. Lett., 27 (16), 2493-2496, (2000) Upper Limit for the UV Absorption Cross Sections of H2SO4; (> 473 K)

K.J. Feierabend, D.K. Havey, S.S. Brown, V. Vaida Chem. Phys. Lett., 420, 438-442, (2006) Experimental absolute intensities of the 4v9 and 5v9 O-H stretching overtones of H2SO4

C. Zhang, X. Lin, X. Tang, C. Fittschen, S. Hartweg, G.A. Garcia, B. Long, W. Zhang, L. Nahon Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,24, 2015-2021, (2022) Vacuum ultraviolet photochemistry of sulfuric acid vapor: a combined experimental and theoretical study

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
V. Vaida, H.G. Kjaergaard, P.E. Hintze, D.J. Donaldson Science, 299, 1566-1568, (2003) Photolysis of Sulfuric Acid Vapor by Visible Solar Radiation

SO; sulfur monoxide; CAS-No.: 13827-32-2
R.G.W. Norrish, G.A. Oldershaw Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 249, 498-512, (1959) The Absorption Spectrum of SO and the Flash Photolysis of Sulphur Dioxide and Sulphur Trioxide

SO2; sulfur dioxide; CAS-No.: 7446-09-5; PubChem: CID 1119
W.W. Watson, A.E. Parker Phys. Rev., 37, 1484-1492, (1931) The Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of Sulfur Dioxide

W.C. Price, D.M. Simpson Proc. Royal Society London. A, Math. Phys. Sciences, 165, No. 921, 272-291, (1938) The Absorption Spectra of Sulphur Dioxide and Carbon Disulphide in the Vacuum Ultra-Violet

D. Golomb, K. Watanabe, F.F. Marmo J. Chem. Phys., 36, 958-960, (1962) Absorption Coefficients of Sulfur Dioxide in the Vacuum Ultraviolet 

B.A. Thompson, P. Harteck, R.R. Reever Jr. J. Geophys. Res., 68, 6431-6436, (1963) Ultraviolet Absorption Coefficients of CO2, CO, H2O, N2O, NH3, NO, SO2, and CH4 between 1850 and 4000 A 

P. Warneck, F.F. Marmo, J.O. Sullivan J. Chem. Phys., 40, 1132-1136, (1964) Ultraviolet Absorption of SO2: Dissociation Energies of SO2 and SO

J. Brown, G. Burns Can. J. Chem., 47(22), 4291-4292, (1969) Effect of temperature on the spectrum of sulfur dioxide

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S2O2; O2S2; OSSO; sulfur oxide; disulfur dioxide; CAS-No.: 126885-21-0; PubChem: CID 145835224
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SF5CF3; trifluoromethyl sulfur pentafluoride; CAS-No.: 373-80-8
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(SF5)3N; tris(pentafluorosulfuryl)amin
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SOF2; thionyl fluoride; CAS-No.: 7783-42-8
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SO2F2; sulfuryl fluoride; CAS-No.: 2699-79-8
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SF5Cl; sulfur chloride pentafluoride; CAS-No.: 13780-57-9
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CH3SH; methanethiol; CAS-No.: 74-93-1
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C2H5SH; ethanethiol; ethyl mercaptan; CAS-No.: 75-08-1
L.B. Clark, W.T. Simpson J. Chem. Phys., 43, 3666-3672, (1965) Vacuum Ultraviolet Studies of Sulfides. I. Spectral Correlations and Assignment of the NV Transitions

L. Bridges, G.L. Hemphill, J.M. White J. Phys. Chem., 76, 2668-2673, (1972) Photochemistry of ethanethiol at 254 and 214 nm

P.H. Wine, R.J. Thompson, D.H. Semmes Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 16, 1623-1636, (1984) Kinetics of OH reactions with aliphatic thiols

C2H6S; dimethyl sulfide; DMS; CAS-No.: 75-18-3; PubChem: CID 1068
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M.B. Williams, P. Campuzano-Jost, D.D. Riemer, C. Tatum, A.J. Hynes J. Photochem. Photobiol. A.: Chem. 171, 77-82, (2005) Gas phase UV absorption spectra for a series of alkyl sulfides 

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
J. Barr, I. Torres, E. Verdasco, L. Bañares, F.J. Aoiz, B. Martinez-Haya J. Phys. Chem. A, 108 (39), 7936 -7948, (2004) Photodissociation Dynamics of Dimethyl Sulfide Following Excitation within the First Absorption Band

C2D6S; CD3SCD3; d6-DMS; dimethylsulfide-d6; (methyl sulfide)-d6; hexadeuterodimethyl sulfide; CAS-No.: 926-09-0; PubChem: 24865904
M.B. Williams, P. Campuzano-Jost, D.D. Riemer, C. Tatum, A.J. Hynes J. Photochem. Photobiol. A.: Chem. 171, 77-82, (2005) Gas phase UV absorption spectra for a series of alkyl sulfides 

C2H5ClS; CH3SCH2Cl; monochlorodimethyl sulfide; MCDMS; chloro(methylsulfanyl)methane; CAS-No.: 2373-51-5; PubChem: CID 16916
G. Copeland, E.P.F. Lee, R.G. Williams, A.T. Archibald, D.E. Shallcross, J.M. Dyke Environ. Sci. Technol., 48 (3), 1557-1565, (2014) Determination of the Photolysis Rate Coefficient of Monochlorodimethyl Sulfide (MClDMS) in the Atmosphere and Its Implications for the Enhancement of SO2 Production from the DMS + Cl2 Reaction

A. Chattopadhyay, E. Assaf, Z. Finewax, J.B. Burkholder J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 433, 114214, (2022) UV absorption spectrum of monochlorodimethyl sulfide (CH3SCH2Cl)

C4H3ClS; 2-chlorothiophene; 2-thienyl chloride; CAS-No.: 96-43-5; PubChem: CID 7299
F.V.S. Oliveira, A. Souza Barbosa, N.C. Jones, S.V. Hoffmann, P. Limao-Vieira J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 296, 108443, (2023) The electronic spectra of 2- chlorothiophene and 3-chlorothiophene in the vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption energy region (3.9–10.8 eV)

C4H3ClS; 3-chlorothiophene; 3-thienyl chloride; CAS-No.: 17249-80-8; PubChem: CID 87017
F.V.S. Oliveira, A. Souza Barbosa, N.C. Jones, S.V. Hoffmann, P. Limao-Vieira J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 296, 108443, (2023) The electronic spectra of 2- chlorothiophene and 3-chlorothiophene in the vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption energy region (3.9–10.8 eV)

C3H8S; CH3SC2H5; ethane, (methylthio)-; methylethyl sulfide; CAS-No.: 624-89-5
L.B. Clark, W.T. Simpson J. Chem. Phys., 43, 3666-3672, (1965) Vacuum Ultraviolet Studies of Sulfides. I. Spectral Correlations and Assignment of the NV Transitions

D.R. Tycholiz, A.R. Knight Can. J. Chemistry, 50(11), 1734-1742, (1972) Reactions of Thiyl Radicals. VIII. Photolysis of Methyl Ethyl Sulfide Vapor

M.B. Williams, P. Campuzano-Jost, D.D. Riemer, C. Tatum, A.J. Hynes J. Photochem. Photobiol. A.: Chem. 171, 77-82, (2005) Gas phase UV absorption spectra for a series of alkyl sulfides 

C3H8S; propyl mercaptan; propanethiol; propane-1-thiol; CAS-No.: 107-03-9; PubChem: CID 7848
G.F. Bol'shakov, V.S. Vatago, F.B. Agrest Ultraviolet spectra of heteroorganic compounds, Khimiya, Leningrad, 82, (1969) Ultraviolet spectrum of propyl mercaptan

C2H6S2; CH3SSCH3; dimethyldisulfide; DMDS; CAS-No.: 624-92-0; PubChem: CID 12232
G. Gorin, G. Dougherty J. Org. Chem., 21 (2), 241-242, (1956) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of some alkyl disulfides and methyl trisulfide

D.F. Sheraton, F.E. Murray Can. J. Chem., 59(18), 2750-2754, (1981) Quantum yields in the photolytic oxidation of some sulphur compounds

C.H. Hearn, E. Turco, J.A. Joens Atmos. Environ., 24 A, 1939-1944, (1990) The near U.V. absorption spectra of dimethyl sulfide, diethyl sulfide and dimethyl disulfide at T=300 K

C4H10S; C2H5SC2H5, diethyl sulfide; ethyl sulfide; CAS-No.: 352-93-2; PubChem: CID 9609
L.B. Clark, W.T. Simpson J. Chem. Phys., 43, 3666-3672, (1965) Vacuum Ultraviolet Studies of Sulfides. I. Spectral Correlations and Assignment of the NV Transitions

Y.L. Frolov, L.M. Sinegovskaya, N.K. Gusarova, O.A. Zasyadko, S.V. Amosova, B.A. Trofimov Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, 24 (2), 388-389, (1975) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of vinyl sulfides

C.H. Hearn, E. Turco, J.A. Joens Atmos. Environ., 24 A, 1939-1944, (1990) The near U.V. absorption spectra of dimethyl sulfide, diethyl sulfide and dimethyl disulfide at T=300 K

L. Lagesson-Andrasko, V. Lagesson, J. Andrasko Anal. Chem., 70 (5), 819-826, (1998) The use of gas-phase UV spectra in the 168-330 nm wavelength region for analytical purposes. 1. Qualitative measurements

M.B. Williams, P. Campuzano-Jost, D.D. Riemer, C. Tatum, A.J. Hynes J. Photochem. Photobiol. A.: Chem. 171, 77-82, (2005) Gas phase UV absorption spectra for a series of alkyl sulfides 

C3H7SC3H7; dipropyl sulfide; CAS-No.: 111-47-7
M.B. Williams, P. Campuzano-Jost, D.D. Riemer, C. Tatum, A.J. Hynes J. Photochem. Photobiol. A.: Chem. 171, 77-82, (2005) Gas phase UV absorption spectra for a series of alkyl sulfides 

C6H14S; isopropyl sulfide; diisopropyl sulfide; CAS-No.: 625-80-9; PubChem: 12264
L.B. Clark, W.T. Simpson J. Chem. Phys., 43, 3666-3672, (1965) Vacuum Ultraviolet Studies of Sulfides. I. Spectral Correlations and Assignment of the NV Transitions

C8H18S; C4H9SC4H9; dibutyl sulfide; di-n butyl sulfide; butyl sulfide; 1-butylsulfanylbutane; CAS-No.: 544-40-1
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 387-394, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part I. Unsaturated Sulphides

Q.W. Decker, H.W. Post J. Org. Chem., 22 (2), 145-146, (1957) Preparation and ultraviolet absorption spectra of certain alkyl polysulfides

M.B. Williams, P. Campuzano-Jost, D.D. Riemer, C. Tatum, A.J. Hynes J. Photochem. Photobiol. A.: Chem. 171, 77-82, (2005) Gas phase UV absorption spectra for a series of alkyl sulfides 

C8H18S; tert-butyl sulfide; di-tert-butyl sulfide; CAS-No.: 107-47-1; PubChem: CID 7872
L.B. Clark, W.T. Simpson J. Chem. Phys., 43, 3666-3672, (1965) Vacuum Ultraviolet Studies of Sulfides. I. Spectral Correlations and Assignment of the NV Transitions

C6H10S; allyl sulfide; diallyl sulfide; CAS-No.: 592-88-1; PubChem: 11617
E.A. Fehnel, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (1), 84-93, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic sulfur compounds. I. Compounds containing the sulfide function

H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 387-394, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part I. Unsaturated Sulphides

C2H6OS; (CH3)2SO; DMSO; dimethylsulfoxide; CAS-No.: 67-68-5; PubChem: CID 679
L.B. Clark, W.T. Simpson J. Chem. Phys., 43, 3666-3672, (1965) Vacuum Ultraviolet Studies of Sulfides. I. Spectral Correlations and Assignment of the NV Transitions

K. Gollnick, H.-U. Stracke Pure Appl. Chem., 33, 217-245, (1973) Direct and sensitized photolysis of dimethyl sulphoxide in solution

A.J. Hynes, P.H. Wine J. Atmos. Chem., 24 (1), 23-37, (1996) The atmospheric chemistry of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) kinetics and mechanism of the OH + DMSO reaction

L. Drage, P Cahillane, S.V. Hoffmann, N.J. Mason, P. Limão-Vieira Chem. Phys., 331, 447 - 452, (2007) High resolution VUV photoabsorption cross section of Dimethylsulphoxide (CH3)2SO

A. Mandal, P.J. Singh, A. Shastri, K. Sunanda, B.N. Jagatap J. Quant. Spetr. Rad. Transfer, 156, 47-57, (2015) Photoabsorption and photodissociation studies of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) in the 35000-80000 cm-1 region using synchrotron radiation

C2D6OS; dimethyl sulfoxide-d6; DMSO-d6; CAS-No.: 2206-27-1; PubChem: CID 75151
A. Mandal, P.J. Singh, A. Shastri, K. Sunanda, B.N. Jagatap J. Quant. Spetr. Rad. Transfer, 156, 47-57, (2015) Photoabsorption and photodissociation studies of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) in the 35000-80000 cm-1 region using synchrotron radiation

CH4O3S; methanesulfonic acid; methylsulfonic acid; mesylate; CAS-No.: 75-75-2; PubChem: CID 6395
L.N. Tran, K.A. Abellar, J.D. Cope, T.B. Nguyen J. Phys. Chem. A, 126, 37, 6517–6525, (2022) Second-Order Kinetic Rate Coefficients for the Aqueous-Phase Sulfate Radical (SO4•–) Oxidation of Some Atmospherically Relevant Organic Compounds

C5H4OS; 4-thiopyrone; 4H-thiopyran-4-one; CAS-No.: 1003-41-4
N. Ishibe, H. Sugimoto, J.B. Gallivan J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2,71, 1812-1822, (1975) Electronic absorption and emission spectra of 4-pyrones, 4-thiopyrones and 4-pyridones

C2H6ClOS; CH3(Cl)S(O)CH3; Cl-DMSO radical adduct
K.M. Kleissas, J.M. Nicovich, P.H. Wine J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chemistry, 187, 1-9, (2007) Spectroscopy and kinetics of the gas phase addition complex of atomic chlorine with dimethyl sulfoxide

C2F6OS2; CF3S(O)SCF3; bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfane oxide; CAS-No.:
B. Zhu, Z. Wu, L. Wang, B. Lu, T. Trabelsi, J.S. Francisco, X. Zeng Chem. Comm., 57, 12143-12146, (2021) Matrix-isolated trifluoromethylthiyl radical: sulfur atom transfer, isomerization and oxidation reactions

CH3SNO; methyl thionitrite; S-nitrosomethanethiol; CAS-No.: 22223-61-6
H. Niki, P.D. Maker, C.M. Savage, L.P. Breitenbach J. Phys. Chem., 87, 7, (1983) Spectroscopic and Photochemical Properties of CH3SNO

G.R. Kennedy, C.-L. Ning, J. Pfab Chem. Phys. Lett. 292, 161-166 (1998) The 355 nm photodissociation of jet-cooled CH3SNO: alignment of the NO photofragment

Z. Wu, X. Shao, B. Zhu, L. Wang, B. Lu, T. Trabelsi, J.S. Francisco, X. Zeng Comm. Chem., 5, 19, (2022) Spectroscopic characterization of two peroxyl radicals during the O2-oxidation of the methylthio radical

C2H2N2S; 1,2,5-thiadiazole; CAS-No.: 288-39-1
M.H. Palmer Chem. Phys., 348, 130-142, (2008) The electronic states of 1,2,5-thiadiazole studied by VUV absorption spectroscopy and ab initio configuration interaction methods 

C2H6N2S; N-methylthiourea; 598-52-7; PubChem: CID 2723704
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79 (5), 454-463, (1960) Physical properties of organic thioles

C2Cl2N2S; 3,4-dichloro-1,2,5-thiadiazole; 1,2,5-thiadiazole, 3,4-dichloro-; CAS-No.: 5728-20-1; PubChem: CID 79804
D. Srinivas, H.P. Upadhyaya J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 322-323, 41-52, (2016) Dynamics of Cl(2Pj) formation in the photodissociation of halogenated thiadiazole at 235 nm: A resonance enhanced multiphoton  ionization-time of flight (REMPI-TOF) study

C3H8N2S; 1,3-dimethylthiourea; N,N'-dimethylthiourea; CAS-No.: 534-13-4; PubChem: CID 2723631
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79 (5), 454-463, (1960) Physical properties of organic thioles

C3H8N2S; 1,1-dimethylthiourea; N,N-dimethylthiourea; CAS-No.: 6972-05-0; PubChem: CID 3034192
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79 (5), 454-463, (1960) Physical properties of organic thioles

C4H10N2S; trimethylthiourea; N,N,N'-trimethylthiourea; CAS-No.: 2489-77-2; PubChem: CID 2779938
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79 (5), 454-463, (1960) Physical properties of organic thioles

C5H12N2S; tetramethylthiourea; basthioryl; 1,1,3,3-tetramethyl-2-thiourea; CAS-No.: 2782-91-4; PubChem: CID 17725
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79 (5), 454-463, (1960) Physical properties of organic thioles

C7H6N2S; 2-benzimidazolethiol; 2-mercaptobenzimidazole; benzimidazole-2-thione; CAS-No.: 583-39-1; PubChem: CID 707035
C.G. Araya, V. Vargas, R.G.E. Morales Spectroscopy Lett., 38, 605-616, (2005) Pi --> Pi* Ultraviolet Absorption Bands and Electronic Charge Transfers in Singlet Excited States of Sulfur Aromatic Heterocycles

C7H6N2S; 2-aminobenzothiazole; 2-benzothiazolamine; 1,3-benzothiazol-2-amine; CAS-No.: 136-95-8; PubChem: CID 8706
J.R. Edisbury, R.F. Hunter, A.D. Scott J. Chem. Soc., 0, 1497-1499, (1948) The ultra-violet absorption spectra of some 2-aminobenzthiazole and 2-imino-3-methyl-2:3-dihydrobenzthiazole derivatives

C5H6N2S2; 2,4-dithiothymine; (5-methyl)dithiouracil; CAS-No.: 6217-61-4
G.B. Elion, W.S. Ide, G.H. Hitchings J. Am. Chem. Soc., 68 (11), 2137-2140, (1946) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of thiouracils

SCl2; sulfur dichloride; dichlorosulfane; sulfur chloride; CAS-No.: 10545-99-0; PubChem: 25353
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 394-401, (1949) Absorption spectra and structure of organic sulphur compounds. Part II. Disulphides and polysulphides

R.J. Colton, J.W. Rabalais J. Electron Spectr. and Rel. Phenomena, 3 (5), 345-357, (1974) Photoelectron and electronic absorption spectra of SCl2, S2Cl2, S2Br2 and (CH3)2S2

S2Cl2; disulfur dichloride; dichlorodisulfane; sulfur monochloride; CAS-No.: 10025-67-9; PubChem: 24807
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 394-401, (1949) Absorption spectra and structure of organic sulphur compounds. Part II. Disulphides and polysulphides

R.J. Colton, J.W. Rabalais J. Electron Spectr. and Rel. Phenomena, 3 (5), 345-357, (1974) Photoelectron and electronic absorption spectra of SCl2, S2Cl2, S2Br2 and (CH3)2S2

I. Tokue, A. Hiraya, K. Shobatake Chem. Phys. Lett., 153, 346-350, (1988) Photoabsorption spectra and photodissociation of S2Cl2 in the vacuum ultraviolet

R.S. Speth, R. Niemann, E.Tiemann Chem. Phys., 229, 309-323, (1998) Photodissociation of S2Cl2: state-specific detection of atmic and molecular sulphur

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
Y.R. Lee, C.L. Chiu, E. Tiemann, S.M. Lin Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol.110, No.14, 6812-6819, (1999) Competing dissociation between the S-Cl and S-S bonds in the photolysis of S2Cl2 at 248 and 193 nm

T.S. Einfeld, C. Maul, K.-H. Gericke, A. Chichinin J. Chem. Phys., 117, 4214-4219, (2002) Competing dissociation channels in the photolysis of S2Cl2 at 235 nm

SOCl2; thionyl chloride; sulfurous dichloride; dichlorosulfoxide; CAS-No.: 7719-09-7; PubChem: 24386
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 394-401, (1949) Absorption spectra and structure of organic sulphur compounds. Part II. Disulphides and polysulphides

H. Okabe J. Chem. Phys., 56 (7), 3378-3381, (1972) Photodissociation of OSCl2 in the Vacuum Ultraviolet; the Heat of Formation of SO

A.P. Uthman, P.J. Demlein, T.D. Allston, M.C. Withiam, M.J. McClements, G.A. Takacs J. Phys. Chem., 82, 2252-2257, (1978) Photoabsorption Spectra of Gaseous Methyl Bromide, Ethylene Dibromide, Nitrosyl Bromide, Thionyl Chloride, and Sulfuryl Chloride 

M. Kawasaki, K. Kasatani, H. Sato, H. Shinohara, N. Nishi Chem. Phys., 91, 285-291, (1984) Photodissociation of Cl2SO at 248 and 193 nm in a Molecular Beam

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
M. Roth, C. Maul, K.-H. Gericke Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 4, 2932 - 2940, (2002) Competitive channels in the photodissociation of thionyl chloride

A. Chichinin, T.S. Einfeld, K.-H. Gericke, J. Grunenberg, C. Maul, L.V. Schaefer Phys . Chem. Chem. Phys ., 7 , 301 – 309, (2005) Photodissociation Dynamics of SOCl2

A. Rakhymzhan, A. Chichinin J. Phys. Chem. A, 114 (24), 6586-6593, (2010) Excited Cl(2P1/2) Atoms: Yield from the Photodissociation of SOCl2 and Collisional Deactivation by NO2, CCl3H, C2H4, C3H6, and SOCl2

SO2Cl2; sulfuryl chloride; CAS-No.: 7791-25-5
A.P. Uthman, P.J. Demlein, T.D. Allston, M.C. Withiam, M.J. McClements, G.A. Takacs J. Phys. Chem., 82, 2252-2257, (1978) Photoabsorption Spectra of Gaseous Methyl Bromide, Ethylene Dibromide, Nitrosyl Bromide, Thionyl Chloride, and Sulfuryl Chloride

SN; nitrogen sulfide; CAS-No.: 12033-56-6
R.J. Donovan, W.H. Breckenridge Chem. Phys. Lett., 11, 520-522, (1971) Reaction of S(31D2) with N2O

CH3NS; thioformamide; methanethioamide; CAS-No.: 115-08-2; PubChem: CID 3005587
M. Tsuboi, A.Y. Hirakawa, T. Hoshino, T. Ishiguro, K. Kimura, S. Katsumata J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 63 (1), 80-88, (1976) Vibrational structures of a few electronic bands of thioformamide

R.H. Judge, D.C. Moule, J.D. Goddard Can. J. Chem., 65(9), 2100-2105, (1987) Thioamide spectroscopy: long path length absorption and quantum chemical studies of thioformamide vapor, CHSNH2/CHSND2

CHD2NS; thioformamide-d2; methanethioamide-d2; CAS-No.: 
M. Tsuboi, A.Y. Hirakawa, T. Hoshino, T. Ishiguro, K. Kimura, S. Katsumata J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 63 (1), 80-88, (1976) Vibrational structures of a few electronic bands of thioformamide

R.H. Judge, D.C. Moule, J.D. Goddard Can. J. Chem., 65(9), 2100-2105, (1987) Thioamide spectroscopy: long path length absorption and quantum chemical studies of thioformamide vapor, CHSNH2/CHSND2

CH4N2S; thiourea; thiocarbamide; CAS-No.: 62-56-6; PubChem: CID 2723790
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79 (5), 454-463, (1960) Physical properties of organic thioles

H. Hosoya, J. Tanaka, S. Nagakura Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 33 (6), 850-860, (1960) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Aqueous Solutions and Single Crystals of Thioacetamide and Thiourea

C2H3NS; methyl isothiocyanate; methylisothiocyanate; MITC; CAS-No.: 556-61-6; PubChem: CID 11167
I. Tokue, A. Hiraya, K. Shobatake Chem. Phys., 117 (2), 315-324, (1987) Photoexcitation of CH3NCO, CH3NCS and CH3SCN in the vacuum ultraviolet: Rydberg states and photofragment emission

C2H3NS; methyl thiocyanate; methylthiocyanate; thiocyanomethane; methylrhodanate; CAS-No.: 556-64-9
I. Tokue, A. Hiraya, K. Shobatake Chem. Phys., 117 (2), 315-324, (1987) Photoexcitation of CH3NCO, CH3NCS and CH3SCN in the vacuum ultraviolet: Rydberg states and photofragment emission

C2H5NS; thioacetamide; ethanethioamide; CAS-No.: 62-55-5; PubChem: CID 2723949
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79 (5), 454-463, (1960) Physical properties of organic thioles

H. Hosoya, J. Tanaka, S. Nagakura Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 33 (6), 850-860, (1960) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Aqueous Solutions and Single Crystals of Thioacetamide and Thiourea

J.T. Edward, I.C. Wang Can. J. Chem., 40 (3), 399-407, (1962) Ionization of organic compounds: II. Thioacetamide in aqueous sodium hydroxide. The H-acidity function

C3H3NS; thiazole; 1,3-thiazole; CAS-No.: 288-47-1; PubChem: CID 9256
B. Ellis, P.J.F. Griffiths Spectrochim. Acta, 21 (11), 1881-1892, (1965) The ultra-violet spectra of thiazole and benzthiazole

C3H7NS; N-methylthioacetamide; N-methylethanethioamide; CAS-No.: 5310-10-1; PubChem: CID 3032483
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79 (5), 454-463, (1960) Physical properties of organic thioles

C4H9NS; dimethylthioacetamide; N,N-dimethylethanethioamide; N,N-dimethylthioacetamide; CAS-No.: 631-67-4; PubChem: CID 12434
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79 (5), 454-463, (1960) Physical properties of organic thioles

C7H5NS; benzothiazole; 1,3-benzothiazole; benzthiazole; CAS-No.: 95-16-9; PubChem: CID 7222
B. Ellis, P.J.F. Griffiths Spectrochim. Acta, 21 (11), 1881-1892, (1965) The ultra-violet spectra of thiazole and benzthiazole

C12H9NS; S(C6H4)2NH; phenothiazine; thiodiphenylamine; CAS-No.: 92-84-2; PubChem: CID 7108
T. Kitagawa J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 26 (1), 1-23, (1968) Absorption spectra and photoionization of polycyclic aromatics in vacuum ultraviolet region

C2H5NS2; S-methyldithiocarbamate; methyl-dithiocarbamate; CAS-No.: 16696-83-6; PubChem: CID 4995032
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79 (5), 454-463, (1960) Physical properties of organic thioles

C3H3NS2; 2-mercaptothiazole; thiazoline-2-thione; CAS-No.: 82358-09-6; PubChem: 1201387
B. Ellis, P.J.F. Griffiths Spectrochim. Acta, 22, 2005-2032, (1966) The ultra-violet spectra of some heterocyclic thioamides and hydrogen bonding

C3H5NS2; 2-thiazolidinethione; thiazolidine-2-thione; CAS-No.: 96-53-7
B. Ellis, P.J.F. Griffiths Spectrochim. Acta, 22, 2005-2032, (1966) The ultra-violet spectra of some heterocyclic thioamides and hydrogen bonding

C3H7NS2; N-methyl-S-methyldithiocarbamate; methyl methyldithiocarbamate; CAS-No.: 13037-11-1
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79 (5), 454-463, (1960) Physical properties of organic thioles

C4H9NS2; (CH3)2NCS2CH3; N,N-dimethyl-S-methyldithiocarbamate; methyl dimethylcarbamodithioate; carbamodithioic acid, dimethyl-, methyl ester; CAS-No.: 3735-92-0
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79 (5), 454-463, (1960) Physical properties of organic thioles

C7H5NS2; mercaptobenzothiazole; benzothiazol-2-thiol; 2-benzothiazolethiol; benzthiazoline-2-thione; CAS-No.: 149-30-4; PubChem: CID 697993
C.G. Araya, V. Vargas, R.G.E. Morales Spectroscopy Lett., 38, 605-616, (2005) Pi --> Pi* Ultraviolet Absorption Bands and Electronic Charge Transfers in Singlet Excited States of Sulfur Aromatic Heterocycles

M.A. Malouki, C. Richard, A. Zertal J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 167 (2-3), 121-126, (2004) Photolysis of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole in aqueous medium: Laboratory and field experiments

P. Bandyopadhyay, B. Bhattacharya, K. Majhi, P. Majee, U. Sarkar, Md.M. Seikh Chem. Phys. Lett., 686, 88-96, (2017) Benzthiazoline-2-thione (BTT) revisited: An experimental and theoretical endeavor to understand UV-spectra

C8H7NS; 1,3-dihydroindole-2-thione; indoline-2-thione; CAS-No.: 496-30-0; PubChem: CID 3032310
C.G. Araya, V. Vargas, R.G.E. Morales Spectroscopy Lett., 38, 605-616, (2005) Pi --> Pi* Ultraviolet Absorption Bands and Electronic Charge Transfers in Singlet Excited States of Sulfur Aromatic Heterocycles

C8H7NS2; N-methylbenzothiazole-2-thione; 3-methylbenzothiazoline-2-thione; CAS-No.: 2254-94-6
B. Ellis, P.J.F. Griffiths Spectrochim. Acta, 22, 2005-2032, (1966) The ultra-violet spectra of some heterocyclic thioamides and hydrogen bonding

C4H4S; thiophene; thiacyclopentadiene; CAS-No.: 110-02-1; PubChem: CID 8030
S.L.N.G. Krishnamachari, T.V. Venkitachalam Chem. Phys. Lett., 55, 116-118, (1978) A new transient absorption spectrum observed in the flash photolysis of thiophene

I. Nobuko, T. Akio, H. Masahiro Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 54 (5), 1511-1516, (1981) The magnetic circular dichroism of the conjugated O- and S-heterocycles

E.E. Rennie, D.M.P. Holland, D.A. Shaw, C.A.F. Johnson, J.E. Parker Chem. Phys., 306, 295-208, (2004) A study of the valence shell spectroscopic and thermodynamic properties of thiophene by photoabsorption and photoion spectroscopy

D.M.P. Holland, A.B. Trofimov, E.A. Seddon, E.V. Gromov, T. Korona, N. de Oliveira, L.E. Archer, D. Joyeux, L. Nahon Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,16, 21629-21644, (2014) Excited electronic states of thiophene: high resolution photoabsorption Fourier transform spectroscopy and ab initio calculations

D.B. Jones, M. Mendes, P. Limao-Vieira, F. Ferreira da Silva, N.C. Jones, S.V. Hoffmann, M.J. Brunger J. Chem. Phys., 150, 064303, (2019) Electronic structure and VUV photoabsorption measurements of thiophene

C4H5N3S; 2-thiocytosine; 4-amino-2-mercaptopyrimidine; 4-aminopyrimidine-2-thiol; CAS-No.: 333-49-3; PubChem: CID 2724245
S. Mai, B. Ashwood, P. Marquetand, C.E. Crespo-Hernandez, L. Gonzalez J. Phys. Chem. B, 121 (20), 5187-5196, (2017) Solvatochromic effects on the absorption spectrum of 2-thiocytosine

C5H5N5S; 6-thioguanine; tioguanine; 2-amino-6-mercaptopurine; 6-mercaptoguanine; CAS-No.: 154-42-7; PubChem: CID 2723601
Y. Qian, X. Yin, H. Lin, B. Rao, S.C. Brooks, L. Liang, B. Gu Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 1 (10), 426-431, (2014) Why Dissolved Organic Matter Enhances Photodegradation of Methylmercury

C3H6S; methylvinylthioether; methyl vinyl sulfide; CAS-No.: 1822-74-8; PubChem: CID 123131
A.A. Planckaert, J. Doucet, C. Sandorfy J. Chem. Phys., 60, 4846, (1974) Comparative study of the vacuum ultraviolet absorption and photoelectron spectra of some simple ethers and thioethers

L.M. Sinegovskaya, Yu.L. Frolov, N.K. Gusarova, V.A. Potapov, B.A. Trofimov Russ. Chem. Bull., 34, 109-114, (1985) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of vinyl sulfides and selenides

C4H6S; divinyl sulfide; divinyl thioether; CAS-No.: 627-51-0; PubChem: CID 12321
L.M. Sinegovskaya, Yu.L. Frolov, N.K. Gusarova, V.A. Potapov, B.A. Trofimov Russ. Chem. Bull., 34, 109-114, (1985) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of vinyl sulfides and selenides

C4H8S; tetrahydrothiophene; thiophane; tetramethylene sulfide; CAS-No.: 110-01-0; PubChem: CID 1127
E.A. Fehnel, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (1), 84-93, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic sulfur compounds. I. Compounds containing the sulfide function

L.B. Clark, W.T. Simpson J. Chem. Phys., 43, 3666-3672, (1965) Vacuum Ultraviolet Studies of Sulfides. I. Spectral Correlations and Assignment of the NV Transitions

C4H8S; ethyl vinyl sulfide; vinyl ethyl thioether; CAS-No.: 627-50-9; PubChem: CID 12320
Y.L. Frolov, L.M. Sinegovskaya, N.K. Gusarova, O.A. Zasyadko, S.V. Amosova, B.A. Trofimov Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, 24 (2), 388-389, (1975) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of vinyl sulfides

L.M. Sinegovskaya, Yu.L. Frolov, N.K. Gusarova, V.A. Potapov, B.A. Trofimov Russ. Chem. Bull., 34, 109-114, (1985) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of vinyl sulfides and selenides

C5H10S; tetrahydrothiopyran; CAS-No.: 1613-51-0
A.A. Planckaert, J. Doucet, C. Sandorfy J. Chem. Phys., 60, 4846, (1974) Comparative study of the vacuum ultraviolet absorption and photoelectron spectra of some simple ethers and thioethers

C5H10S; isopropyl vinyl sulfide; 2-(vinylsulfanyl)propane; CAS-No.: 18888-46-5
L.M. Sinegovskaya, Yu.L. Frolov, N.K. Gusarova, V.A. Potapov, B.A. Trofimov Russ. Chem. Bull., 34, 109-114, (1985) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of vinyl sulfides and selenides

C5H12S; tert-butyl methyl sulfide; CAS-No.: 6163-64-0; PubChem: CID 138679
L.B. Clark, W.T. Simpson J. Chem. Phys., 43, 3666-3672, (1965) Vacuum Ultraviolet Studies of Sulfides. I. Spectral Correlations and Assignment of the NV Transitions

C4H8Cl2S; bis(2-chloroethyl) sulfide; sulfur mustard; HD; CAS-No.: 505-60-2
R.T. Rewick, M.L. Schumacher, D.L. Haynes Applied Spectroscopy, 40 (2), 152-156, (1986) The UV Absorption Spectra of Chemical Agents and Simulants

G.-M. Zuo, Z.-X. Cheng, G.-W. Li, L.-Y. Wang, T. Miao Environ. Sci. Technol., 39 (22), 8742-8746, (2005) Photoassisted reaction of sulfur mustard under light irradiation

C10H14S; adamantanethione; adamantane-2-thione; CAS-No.: 23695-65-0
K.J. Falk, R.P. Steer Can. J. Chem., 66, 575-577, (1988) Rydberg states in adamantanethione, thiofenchone, and thiocamphor

C10H16S; thiocamphor; CAS-No.: 7519-74-6
K.J. Falk, R.P. Steer Can. J. Chem., 66, 575-577, (1988) Rydberg states in adamantanethione, thiofenchone, and thiocamphor

C10H16S; thiofenchone; CAS-No.: 875-06-9
K.J. Falk, R.P. Steer Can. J. Chem., 66, 575-577, (1988) Rydberg states in adamantanethione, thiofenchone, and thiocamphor

C2H5SCH2COC6H5; omega-ethylmercaptoacetophenone; CAS-No.:
E.A. Fehnel, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (1), 84-93, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic sulfur compounds. I. Compounds containing the sulfide function

n-C4H9SCH2CO2C2H5; ethyl n-butyl mercaptoacetate; CAS-No.:
E.A. Fehnel, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (1), 84-93, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic sulfur compounds. I. Compounds containing the sulfide function

C7H8O3S; p-hydroxyphenyl methyl sulfone; 4-methylsulfonylphenol; CAS-No.: 14763-60-1
E.A. Fehnel, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72 (3), 1292-1297, (1950) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic sulfur compounds. IV. Substituted phenyl sulfones

C6H5SCH2COCH3; phenyl mercapto acetone; CAS-No.:
E.A. Fehnel, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (1), 84-93, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic sulfur compounds. I. Compounds containing the sulfide function

C4H5NO2S2; 2-thiophenesulfonamide; thiophene-2-sulfonamide; CAS-No.: 6339-87-3; PubChem: CID 72881
A. Arcoria, E. Maccarone, G. Musumarra, G.A. Tomaselli Spectrochim. Acta A, 30 (3), 611-618, (1974) Ultraviolet and infrared absorption spectra of 2-thiophenesulfonamides

C5H7NO2S2; N-methylthiophene-2-sulfonamide; thiophene-2-sulfonic acid methylamide; CAS-No.: 53442-30-1
A. Arcoria, E. Maccarone, G. Musumarra, G.A. Tomaselli Spectrochim. Acta A, 30 (3), 611-618, (1974) Ultraviolet and infrared absorption spectra of 2-thiophenesulfonamides

C3H7NO2S; cysteine; L-cysteine; (R)-2-amino-3-mercaptopropionic acid; CAS-No.: 52-90-4; PubChem: CID 5862
V.D. Nikolic, D.P. Ilic, L.B. Nikolic, M.Z. Stankovic, L.P. Stanojevic, I.M. Savic, I.M. Savic Advanced technologies, 1 (1), 38-46, (2012) The synthesis and structure characterization of deoxyalliin and alliin

Y. Qian, X. Yin, H. Lin, B. Rao, S.C. Brooks, L. Liang, B. Gu Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 1 (10), 426-431, (2014) Why Dissolved Organic Matter Enhances Photodegradation of Methylmercury

C6H7NO2S; C6H5SO2NH2; benzenesulfonamide; BSA; benzosulfonamide; CAS-No.: 98-10-2; PubChem: 24846803
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 408-413, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part IV. Unsaturated Sulphones

C6H11NO2S; L-deoxyalliin; S-allyl-L-cysteine; CAS-No.: 21593-77-1; PubChem: CID 98280
V.D. Nikolic, D.P. Ilic, L.B. Nikolic, M.Z. Stankovic, L.P. Stanojevic, I.M. Savic, I.M. Savic Advanced technologies, 1 (1), 38-46, (2012) The synthesis and structure characterization of deoxyalliin and alliin

C6H11NO3S; L(±)-alliin; ACSO; S-allyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide; (±)-L-alliin; CAS-No.: 17795-26-5; PubChem: CID 87310
V.D. Nikolic, D.P. Ilic, L.B. Nikolic, M.Z. Stankovic, L.P. Stanojevic, I.M. Savic, I.M. Savic Advanced technologies, 1 (1), 38-46, (2012) The synthesis and structure characterization of deoxyalliin and alliin

C7H5NOS; benzoxazole-2-thione; 2-benzoxazolethiol; benzoxazole-2-thiol; CAS-No.: 2382-96-9; PubChem: CID 712377
C.G. Araya, V. Vargas, R.G.E. Morales Spectroscopy Lett., 38, 605-616, (2005) Pi --> Pi* Ultraviolet Absorption Bands and Electronic Charge Transfers in Singlet Excited States of Sulfur Aromatic Heterocycles

C7H7NO2S; 1-methylsulfanyl-4-nitrobenzene; p-nitrophenyl methyl sulfide; 4-nitrophenyl methyl sulfide; 4-nitrothioanisole; CAS-No.: 701-57-5
E.A. Fehnel, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (8), 2889-2892, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic sulfur compounds: III. Substituted phenyl sulfides

E. Campaigne, J. Tsurugi, W.W. Meyer J. Org. Chem., 26 (7), 2486-2491, (1961) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of some unsymmetrical disulfides

C7H7NO2S; 1-methylsulfanyl-2-nitrobenzene; o-nitrophenyl methyl sulfide; methyl-(2-nitro-phenyl)-sulfide; CAS-No.: 3058-47-7
E.A. Fehnel, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (8), 2889-2892, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic sulfur compounds: III. Substituted phenyl sulfides

C11H9NO2S; 2-benzenesulfonamidopyridine; CAS-No.: 
J.M. Vandenbelt, L. Doub J. Am. Chem. Soc., 66 (10), 1633-1636, (1944) Characterization of the ultraviolet absorption spectra of some substituted benzene-sulfonamides

C11H11N3O2S; sulfapyridine; CAS-No.: 144-83-2; PubChem: CID 5336
S.L. Ciminera, P.W. Wilcox J. Pharmaceutical Sciences, 33 (3), 85-90, (1944) Spectrophotometric studies on the sulfonamides

J.M. Vandenbelt, L. Doub J. Am. Chem. Soc., 66 (10), 1633-1636, (1944) Characterization of the ultraviolet absorption spectra of some substituted benzene-sulfonamides

C12H9NO2S; O2NC6H4SC6H5; 4-nitrophenyl phenyl sulfide; phenyl p-nitrophenylsulfide; CAS-No.: 952-97-6; PubChem: CID 13720
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 387-394, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part I. Unsaturated Sulphides

C12H9NO2S; O2NC6H4SC6H5; 2-nitrophenyl phenyl sulfide; phenyl o-nitrophenylsulfide; CAS-No.: 4171-83-9; PubChem: 24870546
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 387-394, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part I. Unsaturated Sulphides

C6H10OS; diallyl sulfoxide; 3-(allylsulfinyl)-1-propene; 3-prop-2-enylsulfinylprop-1-ene; CAS-No.: 14180-63-3; PubChem: CID 161032
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 2892-2894, (1950) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part VII. Sulphoxides

C7H8OS; 4-methylsulfanylphenol; p-hydroxyphenyl methyl sulfide; 4-(methylthio)phenol; CAS-No.: 1073-72-9
E.A. Fehnel, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (8), 2889-2892, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic sulfur compounds: III. Substituted phenyl sulfides

C8H8OS; methyl thiobenzoate; O-methyl thiobenzoate; thiobenzoic acid O-methyl ester; CAS-No.: 5873-86-9; PubChem: 
A. Ohno, T. Koizumi, Y. Ohnishi, G. Tsuchihashi Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 42 (12), 3556-3558, (1969) Electronic Spectra of O-Alkyl Thiobenzoates and Their Derivatives

C9H10OS; ethyl thiobenzoate; O-ethyl thiobenzoate; O-ethyl benzenecarbothioate; thiobenzoic acid ethyl ester; CAS-No.: 936-61-8
A. Ohno, T. Koizumi, Y. Ohnishi, G. Tsuchihashi Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 42 (12), 3556-3558, (1969) Electronic Spectra of O-Alkyl Thiobenzoates and Their Derivatives

C10H8O3S; 1-naphthalenesulfonic acid; naphthalene-1-sulfonic acid; CAS-No.: 85-47-2; PubChem: CID 6812
C. Daglish J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 11, 4859-4864, (1950) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of some hydroxynaphthalenes

C10H8O3S; 2-naphthalenesulfonic acid; naphthalene-2-sulfonic acid; CAS-No.: 120-18-3; PubChem: CID 8420
C. Daglish J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 11, 4859-4864, (1950) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of some hydroxynaphthalenes

C13H12O4S2; (C6H5SO2)2CH2; bis(phenylsulfonyl)methane; methylene bis(phenyl sulfone); CAS-No.: 3406-02-8; PubChem: 24849140
E.A. Fehnel, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (1), 231-237, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic sulfur compounds. II. Compounds containing the sulfone function

C7H6O2S; thiosalicylic acid; 2-mercaptobenzoic acid; 2-sulfanylbenzoic acid; CAS-No.: 147-93-3; PubChem: CID 5443
Y. Qian, X. Yin, H. Lin, B. Rao, S.C. Brooks, L. Liang, B. Gu Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 1 (10), 426-431, (2014) Why Dissolved Organic Matter Enhances Photodegradation of Methylmercury

C10H8O4S; 1-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid; 4-hydroxy-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid; CAS-No.: 84-87-7; PubChem: CID 6791
C. Daglish J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 11, 4859-4864, (1950) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of some hydroxynaphthalenes

C10H8O4S; 1-naphthol-5-sulfonic acid; 5-hydroxy-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid; CAS-No.: 117-59-9; PubChem:
C. Daglish J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 11, 4859-4864, (1950) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of some hydroxynaphthalenes

C10H8O4S; 1-naphthol-2-sulfonic acid; 1-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonic acid; CAS-No.: 567-18-0; PubChem: CID 11277
C. Daglish J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 11, 4859-4864, (1950) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of some hydroxynaphthalenes

C10H8O4S; 2-naphthol-1-sulfonic acid; 2-hydroxy-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid; CAS-No.: 567-47-5; PubChem:
C. Daglish J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 11, 4859-4864, (1950) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of some hydroxynaphthalenes

C10H8O4S; 2-naphthol-6-sulfonic acid; 6-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonic acid; CAS-No.: 93-01-6; PubChem: CID 7117
C. Daglish J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 11, 4859-4864, (1950) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of some hydroxynaphthalenes

C10H8O7S2; 1-naphthol-3,6-disulfonic acid; 4-hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulfonic acid; CAS-No.: 578-85-8; PubChem: CID 43853
C. Daglish J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 11, 4859-4864, (1950) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of some hydroxynaphthalenes

C10H8O7S2; 2-naphthol-3,6-disulfonic acid; 3-hydroxy-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid; CAS-No.: 148-75-4; PubChem: CID 8674
C. Daglish J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 11, 4859-4864, (1950) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of some hydroxynaphthalenes

C10H8O7S2; 2-naphthol-6,8-disulfonic acid; 7-hydroxynaphthalene-1,3-disulfonic acid; CAS-No.: 118-32-1; PubChem: CID 67041
C. Daglish J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 11, 4859-4864, (1950) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of some hydroxynaphthalenes

C12H10O2S; (C6H5)2SO2; phenyl sulfone; diphenyl sulfone; DPS; CAS-No.: 127-63-9; PubChem: 31386
E.A. Fehnel, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (1), 231-237, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic sulfur compounds. II. Compounds containing the sulfone function

H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 408-413, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part IV. Unsaturated Sulphones

E.E. Sager, F.C. Byers J. Res. Nat. Bureau Standards, 57 (1), 33-36, (1957) Spectral absorbance of some aqueous solutions in the range 10° to 40° C

C12H16O2S; cyclohexyl phenyl sulfone; CAS-No.: 6947-57-5
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 408-413, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part IV. Unsaturated Sulphones

C13H8O6S; urolithin B sulfate; urolithin 3-sulfate; CAS-No.: ; PubChem: CID 14797214
R. Gonzalez-Barrio, P. Truchado, H. Ito, J.C. Espin, F.A. Tomas-Baberan J. Agric. Food Chem., 59, 4, 1152-1162, (2011) UV and MS Identification of Urolithins and Nasutins, the Bioavailable Metabolites of Ellagitannins and Ellagic Acid in Different Mammals

C7H14O3S; n-C4H9SO2CH2COCH3; n-butylsulfonylacetone; CAS-No.:
E.A. Fehnel, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (1), 231-237, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic sulfur compounds. II. Compounds containing the sulfone function

C9H10O3S; C6H5SO2CH2COCH3; phenylsulfonylaceton; phenylsulfonylpropan-2-on; CAS-No.: 5000-44-2
E.A. Fehnel, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (1), 231-237, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic sulfur compounds. II. Compounds containing the sulfone function

C13H12N4S; dithizone; (1E)-3-anilino-1-phenylimino-thiourea; diphenylthiocarbazone; CAS-No.: 60-10-6; PubChem: 657262
O.A. Weber, V.B. Vouk Analyst,85, 40-45, (1960) Molar Extinction Coefficients of Dithizone and Lead Dithizonate in Carbon Tetrachloride

S2Br2; disulfur dibromide; sulfur(II) bromide; bromosulfanyl thiohypobromite; CAS-No.: 13172-31-1; PubChem: 123296
R.J. Colton, J.W. Rabalais J. Electron Spectr. and Rel. Phenomena, 3 (5), 345-357, (1974) Photoelectron and electronic absorption spectra of SCl2, S2Cl2, S2Br2 and (CH3)2S2

C12H8Br2O2S; 4,4'-dibromo diphenyl sulfone; 1-bromo-4-(4-bromophenyl)sulfonylbenzene; CAS-No.: 2050-48-8
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 408-413, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part IV. Unsaturated Sulphones

C6H12N2S3; tetramethylthiuram monosulfide; monothiuram; dimethylcarbamothioyl N,N-dimethylcarbamodithioate; CAS-No.: 97-74-5; PubChem: 7347
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 401-408, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part III. Vulcanisation Accelerators and Related Compounds

C6H12N2S4; (CH3)2NCSS2CSN(CH3)2; tetramethylthiuram disulfide; thiuram; bis(dimethylthiocarbamoyl) disulfide; TMT; CAS-No.: 137-26-8; PubChem: 24900038
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 401-408, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part III. Vulcanisation Accelerators and Related Compounds

C2H4S; ethylene sulfide; thiirane; CAS-No.: 420-12-2; PubChem: CID 9865
R.E. Davis J. Org. Chem., 23 (2), 216-218, (1958) Cyclic sulfides. I. Ultraviolet spectra of ethylene sulfides

R. Locht, B. Leyh, H.-W. Jochims, H. Baumgärtel BESSY Jahresbericht 2004, 37-38, (2004) The Vacuum UV Photoabsorption Spectroscopy of the Three membered Ring Systems C3H6, C2H4O and C2H4S and their open Chain Isomers

C3H6S; propylene sulfide; 2-methylthiirane; CAS-No.: 1072-43-1; PubChem: CID 14072
R.E. Davis J. Org. Chem., 23 (2), 216-218, (1958) Cyclic sulfides. I. Ultraviolet spectra of ethylene sulfides

C4H10S; tert-butyl mercaptan; tert-butylthiol; 2-methylpropane-2-thiol; CAS-No.: 75-66-1; PubChem: CID 6387
L.B. Clark, W.T. Simpson J. Chem. Phys., 43, 3666-3672, (1965) Vacuum Ultraviolet Studies of Sulfides. I. Spectral Correlations and Assignment of the NV Transitions

P.H. Wine, R.J. Thompson, D.H. Semmes Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 16, 1623-1636, (1984) Kinetics of OH reactions with aliphatic thiols

C4H10S; sec-butanethiol; 2-butylmercaptan; 2-butanethiol; CAS-No.: 513-53-1; PubChem: CID 10560
P.H. Wine, R.J. Thompson, D.H. Semmes Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 16, 1623-1636, (1984) Kinetics of OH reactions with aliphatic thiols

C4H8S2; ethyl dithioacetate; ethyl ethanedithioate; dithioacetic acid ethyl ester; CAS-No.: 870-73-5; PubChem: CID 70093
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79, 464-473, (1960) Physical properties of organic thiones. Part II. Electronic absorption spectra of compounds containing the thiocarbonyl group

C4H10S; isopropyl methyl sulfide; 2-methylsulfanylpropane; CAS-No.: 1551-21-9; PubChem: CID 15246
L.B. Clark, W.T. Simpson J. Chem. Phys., 43, 3666-3672, (1965) Vacuum Ultraviolet Studies of Sulfides. I. Spectral Correlations and Assignment of the NV Transitions

C2H6S3; methyl trisulfide; dimethyl trisulfide; DMTS; (methyltrisulfanyl)methane; CAS-No.: 3658-80-8; PubChem: CID 19310
G. Gorin, G. Dougherty J. Org. Chem., 21 (2), 241-242, (1956) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of some alkyl disulfides and methyl trisulfide

C3H6S3; dimethyl trithiocarbonate; carbonotrithioic acid, dimethyl ester; CAS-No.: 2314-48-9; PubChem: CID 16840
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79, 464-473, (1960) Physical properties of organic thiones. Part II. Electronic absorption spectra of compounds containing the thiocarbonyl group

C6H10S; cyclohexene sulfide; 1,2-cyclohexylene sulfide; CAS-No.: 286-28-2; PubChem: CID 9247
R.E. Davis J. Org. Chem., 23 (2), 216-218, (1958) Cyclic sulfides. I. Ultraviolet spectra of ethylene sulfides

C6H10S; cyclohexanethione; cyclohexylthio; CAS-No.: 2720-41-4; PubChem: CID 9812771
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79, 464-473, (1960) Physical properties of organic thiones. Part II. Electronic absorption spectra of compounds containing the thiocarbonyl group

C6H10S2; CH2=CHCH2SSCH2CH=CH2; allyl disulfide; 4,5-dithia-1,7-octadiene; diallyldisulfide; CAS-No.: 2179-57-9; PubChem: 16590
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 394-401, (1949) Absorption spectra and structure of organic sulphur compounds. Part II. Disulphides and polysulphides

C8H6S; thianaphthene; benzo[b]thiophene; benzothiophene; CAS-No.: 95-15-8; PubChem: CID 7221
R.D. Schuetz, L. Ciporin J. Org. Chem., 23 (2), 209-211, (1958) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of 3-arylthianaphthenes

I. Nobuko, T. Akio, H. Masahiro Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 54 (5), 1511-1516, (1981) The magnetic circular dichroism of the conjugated O- and S-heterocycles

C8H18S2; di-tert-butyldisulfide; 2-methyl-2-[(2-methyl-2-propanyl)disulfanyl]propane; tert-butyl disulfide; CAS-No.: 110-06-5
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 394-401, (1949) Absorption spectra and structure of organic sulphur compounds. Part II. Disulphides and polysulphides

C8H18S2; butyl disulfide; dibutyl disulfide; CAS-No.: 629-45-8; PubChem: CID 12386
G. Gorin, G. Dougherty J. Org. Chem., 21 (2), 241-242, (1956) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of some alkyl disulfides and methyl trisulfide

Q.W. Decker, H.W. Post J. Org. Chem., 22 (2), 145-146, (1957) Preparation and ultraviolet absorption spectra of certain alkyl polysulfides

C10H22S2; isoamyl disulfide; diisoamyl disulfide; isopentyl disulfide; CAS-No.: 2051-04-9
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 394-401, (1949) Absorption spectra and structure of organic sulphur compounds. Part II. Disulphides and polysulphides

C4H10S2; ethyl disulfide; diethyl disulfide; CAS-No.: 110-81-6; PubChem: CID 8077
G. Gorin, G. Dougherty J. Org. Chem., 21 (2), 241-242, (1956) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of some alkyl disulfides and methyl trisulfide

C6H6S; thiophenol; benzenethiol, phenyl mercaptan; CAS-No.: 108-98-5; PubChem: CID 7969
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 387-394, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part I. Unsaturated Sulphides

K. Kimura, S. Nagakura Mol. Phys., 9 (2), 117-135, (1964) Vacuum ultra-violet absorption spectra of various mono-substituted benzenes

A. Mangini, A. Trombetti, C. Zauli J. Chem. Soc. B, 153-165, (1967) Vapor phase spectra in the near-ultraviolet of some monosubstituted benzenes

C6H12S; propyl allyl sulfide; allyl propyl sulfide; 3-(propylsulfanyl)-1-propene; CAS-No.: 27817-67-0
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 387-394, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part I. Unsaturated Sulphides

C6H12S; tert-butyl vinyl sulfide; propane, 2-(ethenylthio)-2-methyl-; CAS-No.: 14094-13-4; PubChem: CID 139686
L.M. Sinegovskaya, Yu.L. Frolov, N.K. Gusarova, V.A. Potapov, B.A. Trofimov Russ. Chem. Bull., 34, 109-114, (1985) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of vinyl sulfides and selenides

C6H14S2; propyl disulfide; dipropyl disulfide; CAS-No.: 629-19-6; PubChem: CID 12377
G. Gorin, G. Dougherty J. Org. Chem., 21 (2), 241-242, (1956) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of some alkyl disulfides and methyl trisulfide

C6H4S4; tetrathiafulvalene; 2-(1,3-dithiol-2-ylidene)-1,3-dithiole; TTF; CAS-No.: 31366-25-3; PubChem: CID 99451
P.W. Thulstrup, S.V. Hoffmann, N.C. Jones, J. Spanget-Larsen Chem. Phys. Impact, 2, 100009, (2021) Electronic transitions of tetrathiafulvalene oriented in polyethylene film. Near and vacuum UV synchrotron radiation polarization spectroscopy

C7H8S; phenyl methyl sulfide; thioanisole; CAS-No.: 100-68-5; PubChem: CID 7520
E. Campaigne, J. Tsurugi, W.W. Meyer J. Org. Chem., 26 (7), 2486-2491, (1961) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of some unsymmetrical disulfides

A. Mangini, A. Trombetti, C. Zauli J. Chem. Soc. B, 153-165, (1967) Vapor phase spectra in the near-ultraviolet of some monosubstituted benzenes

C7H12S; 4,4-dimethyl-2,3-dihydrothiopyran; CAS-No.: 53520-28-8
A.A. Planckaert, J. Doucet, C. Sandorfy J. Chem. Phys., 60, 4846, (1974) Comparative study of the vacuum ultraviolet absorption and photoelectron spectra of some simple ethers and thioethers

C8H10S; 4-tolyl methyl sulfide; 4-methylthioanisole; methyl p-tolyl sulfide; CAS-No.: 623-13-2; PubChem: CID 69334
E. Campaigne, J. Tsurugi, W.W. Meyer J. Org. Chem., 26 (7), 2486-2491, (1961) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of some unsymmetrical disulfides

C12H8S; dibenzothiophene; diphenylene sulfide; 9-thiafluorene; CAS-No.: 132-65-0; PubChem: CID 3023
I. Nobuko, T. Akio, H. Masahiro Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 54 (5), 1511-1516, (1981) The magnetic circular dichroism of the conjugated O- and S-heterocycles

S. Marzooghi, B.E. Finch, W.A. Stubblefield, D.M. Di Toro Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 37 (8), 2165-2174, (2018) Predicting phototoxicity of alkylated PAHs, mixtures of PAHs, and water accommodated fractions (WAF) of neat and weathered petroleum with the phototoxic target lipid model

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, linear dichroism spectroscopy etc.)
D.D. Nguyen, J. Trunk, L. Nakhimovsky, J. Spanget-Larsen J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 264 (1), 19-25, (2010) Electronic transitions of fluorene, dibenzofuran, carbazole, and dibenzothiophene: From the onset of absorption to the ionization threshold

C12H10S; (C6H5)2S; diphenyl sulfide; phenyl sulfide; CAS-No.: 139-66-2; PubChem: 24898423
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 387-394, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part I. Unsaturated Sulphides

C12H16S; cyclohexyl phenyl sulfide; cyclohexylsulfanylbenzene; CAS-No.: 7570-92-5; PubChem: 573466
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 387-394, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part I. Unsaturated Sulphides

C12H18S; di(2-cyclohexenyl) sulfide; di-cyclohex-2-enyl sulfide; CAS-No.: 78400-57-4
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 387-394, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part I. Unsaturated Sulphides

C12H22S2; cyclohexyl disulfide; dicyclohexyl disulfide; 1,1'-disulfanediyldicyclohexane; CAS-No.: 2550-40-5
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 394-401, (1949) Absorption spectra and structure of organic sulphur compounds. Part II. Disulphides and polysulphides

C13H18S; 1-methyl cyclohexyl phenyl sulfide; 1-phenylmercapto-1-methyl-cyclohexan; CAS-No.: 7570-94-7
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 387-394, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part I. Unsaturated Sulphides

C13H18S; 2-methyl cyclohexyl phenyl sulfide; CAS-No.: 
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 387-394, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part I. Unsaturated Sulphides

C14H10S; 3-phenylbenzothiophene; 3-phenylthianaphthene; CAS-No.: 14315-12-9; PubChem: CID 610881
R.D. Schuetz, L. Ciporin J. Org. Chem., 23 (2), 209-211, (1958) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of 3-arylthianaphthenes

C14H14S2; C6H5CH2SSCH2C6H5; benzyl disulfide; benzyldisulfanylmethylbenzene; CAS-No.: 150-60-7
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 394-401, (1949) Absorption spectra and structure of organic sulphur compounds. Part II. Disulphides and polysulphides

C14H14S; (C6H5CH2)2S; dibenzyl sulfide; benzyl sulfide; benzyl thioether; CAS-No.: 538-74-9; PubChem: 14709812
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 387-394, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part I. Unsaturated Sulphides

C5H10O2S; O,O-diethyl carbonothioate; diethyl thionocarbonate; diethoxymethanethione; CAS-No.:
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79, 464-473, (1960) Physical properties of organic thiones. Part II. Electronic absorption spectra of compounds containing the thiocarbonyl group

C6H6O2S; phenylsulfinic acid; benzenesulfinic acid; CAS-No.: 618-41-7; PubChem: 12057
S. Detoni, D. Hadzi J. Chem. Soc., 3163-3169, (1955) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Sulphinic Acids

C7H8O2S; p-toluenesulfinic acid; 4-methylbenzenesulfinic acid; 4-toluenesulfinic acid; CAS-No.: 536-57-2
S. Detoni, D. Hadzi J. Chem. Soc., 3163-3169, (1955) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Sulphinic Acids

CF3S3NO; CF3SSNSO; S-trifluoromethyldisulfanyl sulfinylimine; CAS-No.: 
C.O. Della Vedova, R.M. Romano, T. Hess Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy, 49(8), 1047-1053; (1993) Pre-resonance Raman, IR, 19F, 13C, 15N NMR, mass, and UV spectra in NSO containing compounds: study of S(N-sulfinylimine)-perfluoromethyldisulphane CF3SSNSO

C2H4OS; ethanethioic S-acid; thiolacetic acid; thioacetic acid; CAS-No.: 507-09-5; PubChem: 10484
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 387-394, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part I. Unsaturated Sulphides

Y. Hirabayashi, T. Mazume Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 38 (2), 171-174, (1965) Studies of Thio Acids. III. The Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Thiostearic Acid and Related Compounds

C2H3ClOS; ethanethioic acid, chloro-; 2-chloroethanethioic S-acid; chlorothiolacetic acid; CAS-No.: 867-49-2; PubChem: CID 79116
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 387-394, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part I. Unsaturated Sulphides

C2H2Cl2OS; dichlorothiolacetic acid; dichlorothioacetic acid; 2,2-dichloroethanethioic S-acid; CAS-No.: 13639-16-2; PubChem: CID 139525
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 387-394, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part I. Unsaturated Sulphides

C2HCl3OS; trichlorothiolacetic acid; ethanethioic acid, trichloro-; 2,2,2-trichloroethanethioic S-acid; CAS-No.: 13101-29-6; PubChem: CID 17804779
H.P. Koch J. Chem. Soc., 387-394, (1949) Absorption Spectra and Structure of Organic Sulphur Compounds. Part I. Unsaturated Sulphides

C16H34S; n-hexadecyl mercaptan; CAS-No.: 2917-26-2
J.E. Baer, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (4), 1215-1218, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of aliphatic sulfides and polysulfides

C32H66S; n-hexadecyl sulfide; CAS-No.: 3312-77-4
J.E. Baer, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (4), 1215-1218, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of aliphatic sulfides and polysulfides

C32H66S2; di-n-hexadecyl disulfide; N-(2-chloro-6-methylphenyl)-1-(2-methylprop-1-enyl)pyrrolidin-2-imine; CAS-No.: 42714-76-1
J.E. Baer, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (4), 1215-1218, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of aliphatic sulfides and polysulfides

C32H66S3; n-hexadecyl trisulfide; trisulfide, dihexadecyl; CAS-No.: 71100-90-8
J.E. Baer, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (4), 1215-1218, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of aliphatic sulfides and polysulfides

C32H66S4; n-hexadecyl tetrasulfide; tetrasulfide, dihexadecyl; CAS-No.: 80783-01-3
J.E. Baer, M. Carmack J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (4), 1215-1218, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of aliphatic sulfides and polysulfides

C3H4O3S; 3-mercaptopyruvic acid; beta-mercaptopyruvic acid; 2-oxo-3-sulfanylpropanoic acid; CAS-No.: 2464-23-5; PubChem: CID 98
Y. Avi-Dor, R. Lipkin J. Biol. Chem., 233, 69-72, (1958) A Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Reduced Glutathione

C4H4OS; 2(5H)-thiophenone; 2H-thiophen-5-one; CAS-No.: 3354-32-3; PubChem: CID 137898
S. Kumar, D. Duflot, N.C. Jones, S.V. Hoffmann, G. Garcia, P. Limao-Vieira Eur. Phys. J. D, 77: 202, (2023) The electronic structure of 2(5H)-thiophenone investigated by vacuum ultraviolet synchrotron radiation and theoretical calculations; C4H4OS_data; C4H4OS_nm_graph_1; C4H4OS_nm_graph_2; C4H4OS_eV_graph

C4H6OS; dihydro-2(3H)-thiophenone; 4-butyrothiolactone; thiolan-2-one; gamma-thiobutyrolactone; CAS-No.: 1003-10-7; PubChem: CID 13852
S. Kumar, D. Duflot, N.C. Jones, S.V. Hoffmann, P. Limao-Vieira J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 317, 108926, (2024) Exploring the low-lying electronic states of C4H6OS isomers, dihydro-2(3H)-thiophenone and dihydro-3(2H)-thiophenone

C4H6OS; dihydro-3(2H)-thiophenone; 4,5-Dihydro-3(2H)-thiophenone; tetrahydrothiophen-3-one; CAS-No.: 1003-04-9; PubChem: CID
S. Kumar, D. Duflot, N.C. Jones, S.V. Hoffmann, P. Limao-Vieira J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 317, 108926, (2024) Exploring the low-lying electronic states of C4H6OS isomers, dihydro-2(3H)-thiophenone and dihydro-3(2H)-thiophenone

C4H8OS; thioacetic acid, O-ethyl ester; 1-ethoxyethanethione; CAS-No.: 926-67-0; PubChem: CID 136711
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79, 464-473, (1960) Physical properties of organic thiones. Part II. Electronic absorption spectra of compounds containing the thiocarbonyl group

C5H10OS2; S-ethyl O-ethylxanthate; O,S-diethyl dithiocarbonate; CAS-No.: 623-79-0; PubChem: CID
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79, 464-473, (1960) Physical properties of organic thiones. Part II. Electronic absorption spectra of compounds containing the thiocarbonyl group

C6H10O2S3; ethyl xanthic anhydride; bis(ethoxythiocarbonyl)sulfide; CAS-No.: 2905-52-4
M.H. Jones, J.T. Woodcock Analytica Chimica Acta, 193, 41-50, (1987) Preparation, ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination, and aqueous decomposition of alkyl xanthic anhydrides

C7H12O2S3; isopropyl xanthic anhydride; CAS-No.: 
M.H. Jones, J.T. Woodcock Analytica Chimica Acta, 193, 41-50, (1987) Preparation, ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination, and aqueous decomposition of alkyl xanthic anhydrides

C8H10OS; 4-methoxyphenyl methyl sulfide; 1-methoxy-4-methylsulfanylbenzene; 4-methoxy thioanisole; CAS-No.: 1879-16-9
E. Campaigne, J. Tsurugi, W.W. Meyer J. Org. Chem., 26 (7), 2486-2491, (1961) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of some unsymmetrical disulfides

C9H12OS3; 3,5-dimethyl-2,6-bis(methylthio)-4H-thiopyran-4-one; CAS-No.: 24215-64-3; PubChem: CID 26598554
N. Ishibe, H. Sugimoto, J.B. Gallivan J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2,71, 1812-1822, (1975) Electronic absorption and emission spectra of 4-pyrones, 4-thiopyrones and 4-pyridones

C14H28OS; thiomyristic acid; CAS-No.: 
Y. Hirabayashi, M. Mizuta, T. Mazume Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 39 (10), 2216-2219, (1966) Studies of Thio Acids. VII. The Synthesis of Thiopalmitic Acid and Thiomyristic Acid

C16H32OS; thiopalmitic acid; hexadecanethioic acid; CAS-No.: 7530-93-0
Y. Hirabayashi, M. Mizuta, T. Mazume Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 39 (10), 2216-2219, (1966) Studies of Thio Acids. VII. The Synthesis of Thiopalmitic Acid and Thiomyristic Acid

C17H12OS; 2,6-diphenyl-4H-thiopyran-4-one; 2,6-diphenyl-4-thiopyrone; CAS-No.: 1029-96-5
N. Ishibe, H. Sugimoto, J.B. Gallivan J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2,71, 1812-1822, (1975) Electronic absorption and emission spectra of 4-pyrones, 4-thiopyrones and 4-pyridones

C17H12OS; 3,5-diphenyl-4H-thiopyran-4-one; 3,5-diphenyl-4-thiopyrone; CAS-No.: 
N. Ishibe, H. Sugimoto, J.B. Gallivan J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2,71, 1812-1822, (1975) Electronic absorption and emission spectra of 4-pyrones, 4-thiopyrones and 4-pyridones

C18H36OS; octadecanethioic acid; thiostearic acid; CAS-No.: 1613-68-9; PubChem: CID 6540287
Y. Hirabayashi, T. Mazume Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 38 (2), 171-174, (1965) Studies of Thio Acids. III. The Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Thiostearic Acid and Related Compounds

C19H38OS; methyl thiostearate; methyl-thiooctadecanoate; CAS-No.: 
Y. Hirabayashi, T. Mazume Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 38 (2), 171-174, (1965) Studies of Thio Acids. III. The Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Thiostearic Acid and Related Compounds

C19H16OS3; 2,6-bis(methylthio)-3,5-diphenyl-4H-thiopyran-4-one; CAS-No.: 24097-29-8
N. Ishibe, H. Sugimoto, J.B. Gallivan J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2,71, 1812-1822, (1975) Electronic absorption and emission spectra of 4-pyrones, 4-thiopyrones and 4-pyridones

C28H54O2S2; dimyristoyl disulfide; CAS-No.: 
Y. Hirabayashi, M. Mizuta, T. Mazume Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 39 (10), 2216-2219, (1966) Studies of Thio Acids. VII. The Synthesis of Thiopalmitic Acid and Thiomyristic Acid

C32H62O2S2; dipalmitoyl disulfide; CAS-No.: 
Y. Hirabayashi, M. Mizuta, T. Mazume Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 39 (10), 2216-2219, (1966) Studies of Thio Acids. VII. The Synthesis of Thiopalmitic Acid and Thiomyristic Acid

C36H70O2S; distearoyl sulfide; CAS-No.: 
Y. Hirabayashi, M. Mizuta, T. Mazume Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 38 (7), 1099-1102, (1965) Studies of Thio Acids. V. The Reaction of Distearoyl Sulfide with Alcohol and Alkali

C36H70O2S2; distearoyl disulfide; CAS-No.: 
Y. Hirabayashi, T. Mazume Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 38 (2), 171-174, (1965) Studies of Thio Acids. III. The Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Thiostearic Acid and Related Compounds

C4H9NOS; (CH3)2NC(S)OCH3; o-methyl N,N-dimethylthiocarbamate; N,N-dimethyl-o-methylthiocarbamate; CAS-No.: 16703-45-0
M.J. Janssen Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 79 (5), 454-463, (1960) Physical properties of organic thioles

C4H4N2OS; 2-thiouracil; 4-hydroxy-2-mercaptopyrimidine; CAS-No.: 141-90-2; PubChem: CID 1269845
G.B. Elion, W.S. Ide, G.H. Hitchings J. Am. Chem. Soc., 68 (11), 2137-2140, (1946) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of thiouracils

D. Shugar, J.J. Fox Bull. Soc. Chim. Belges, 61 (5-6), 293-309, (1952) Absorption spectra and structure of 2-thiouracil derivatives as a function of pH

D. Koyama, M.J. Milner, A.J. Orr-Ewing J. Phys. Chem. B, 121 (39), 9274-9280, (2017) Evidence for a Double Well in the First Triplet Excited State of 2-Thiouracil

C4H4N2OS; 4-thiouracil; 2-hydroxy-4-mercaptopyrimidine; CAS-No.: 591-28-6; PubChem: CID 2734394
G.B. Elion, W.S. Ide, G.H. Hitchings J. Am. Chem. Soc., 68 (11), 2137-2140, (1946) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of thiouracils

D. Koyama, M.J. Milner, A.J. Orr-Ewing J. Phys. Chem. B, 121 (39), 9274-9280, (2017) Evidence for a Double Well in the First Triplet Excited State of 2-Thiouracil

C5H6N2OS; 2-thiothymine; 5-methyl-2-thiouracil; CAS-No.: 636-26-0
G.B. Elion, W.S. Ide, G.H. Hitchings J. Am. Chem. Soc., 68 (11), 2137-2140, (1946) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of thiouracils

C5H6N2OS; 4-thiothymine; 5-methyl-4-thiouracil; CAS-No.: 35455-79-9
G.B. Elion, W.S. Ide, G.H. Hitchings J. Am. Chem. Soc., 68 (11), 2137-2140, (1946) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of thiouracils

C6H8N2OS; 3-ethyl-2-thiouracil; CAS-No.: 
D. Shugar, J.J. Fox Bull. Soc. Chim. Belges, 61 (5-6), 293-309, (1952) Absorption spectra and structure of 2-thiouracil derivatives as a function of pH

C6H8N2OS; 1-ethyl-2-thiouracil; CAS-No.: 
D. Shugar, J.J. Fox Bull. Soc. Chim. Belges, 61 (5-6), 293-309, (1952) Absorption spectra and structure of 2-thiouracil derivatives as a function of pH

C4H4N2S2; 2,4-dithiouracil; 2,4-dimercaptopyrimidine; CAS-No.: 2001-93-6
G.B. Elion, W.S. Ide, G.H. Hitchings J. Am. Chem. Soc., 68 (11), 2137-2140, (1946) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of thiouracils

C13H11NO5S; (4-nitrophenyl) 4-methylbenzenesulfonate; p-nitrophenyl p-toluene sulfonate; CAS-No.: 1153-45-3
W. Tagaki, T. Kuruso, S. Oae Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 42 (10), 2894-2898, (1969) Reaction of p-nitrophenyl benzenesulfonates with thiophenoxides

C6H7NO3S; sulfanilic acid; 4-aminobenzenesulfonic acid; 4-aminobenzene-1-sulfonic acid; CAS-No.: 121-57-3; PubChem: CID 8479
S. Willach, H.V. Lutze, K. Eckey, K. Loeppenberg, M. Lueling, J.-B. Wolbert, D.M. Kujawinski, M.A. Jochmann, U. Karst, T.C. Schmidt Environ. Sci. Technol., 52 (3), 1225-1233, (2018) Direct Photolysis of Sulfamethoxazole Using Various Irradiation Sources and Wavelength Ranges-Insights from Degradation Product Analysis and Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Analysis

C6H8N2O2S; 3-aminobenzenesulfonamide; metanilamide; CAS-No.: 98-18-0
W.D. Kumler, L.A. Strait J. Am. Chem. Soc., 65 (12), 2349-2354, (1943) The ultraviolet absorption spectra and resonance in benzene derivatives - sulfanilamide, metanilamide, p-aminobenzoic acid, benzenesulfonamide, benzoic acid and aniline

C10H14N2O2S; S-beta-(4-pyridylethyl)-L-cysteine; 4-PEC; CAS-No.: 28809-04-3
J.F. Cavins, L.H. Krull, M. Friedman, D.E. Gibbs, G.E. Inglett J. Agric. Food Chem., 20 (6), 1124-1126, (1972) Spectrophotometric cysteine analysis

C7H6N2O4S; 2,4-dinitrophenyl methyl sulfide; 2,4-dinitrothioanisole; CAS-No.: 2363-23-7; PubChem: CID 95251
E. Campaigne, J. Tsurugi, W.W. Meyer J. Org. Chem., 26 (7), 2486-2491, (1961) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of some unsymmetrical disulfides

C8H10N2O3S; acetylsulfanilamide; N-acetylsulfanilamide; CAS-No.: 121-61-9
S.L. Ciminera, P.W. Wilcox J. Pharmaceutical Sciences, 33 (3), 85-90, (1944) Spectrophotometric studies on the sulfonamides

C9H12N4O3S; acetylsulfaguanidine; N-[4-(diaminomethylideneamino)sulfonylphenyl]acetamide; CAS-No.: 19077-97-5; PubChem: CID 87925
S.L. Ciminera, P.W. Wilcox J. Pharmaceutical Sciences, 33 (3), 85-90, (1944) Spectrophotometric studies on the sulfonamides

C10H17N3O6S; glutathione; L-glutathione; GSH; CAS-No.: 70-18-8; PubChem: CID 124886
Y. Qian, X. Yin, H. Lin, B. Rao, S.C. Brooks, L. Liang, B. Gu Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 1 (10), 426-431, (2014) Why Dissolved Organic Matter Enhances Photodegradation of Methylmercury

C11H11N3O3S3; acetylsulfathiazole; N-acetylsulfathiazole; CAS-No.: 127-76-4; PubChem: CID 67183
S.L. Ciminera, P.W. Wilcox J. Pharmaceutical Sciences, 33 (3), 85-90, (1944) Spectrophotometric studies on the sulfonamides

C12H8N2O4S2; bis(4-nitrophenyl)disulfide; 4-nitrophenyl disulfide; CAS-No.: 100-32-3
E. Campaigne, J. Tsurugi, W.W. Meyer J. Org. Chem., 26 (7), 2486-2491, (1961) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of some unsymmetrical disulfides

C12H12N4O3S; acetylsulfadiazine; N(4)-acetylsulfadiazine; CAS-No.: 127-74-2; PubChem: CID 64952
S.L. Ciminera, P.W. Wilcox J. Pharmaceutical Sciences, 33 (3), 85-90, (1944) Spectrophotometric studies on the sulfonamides

C12H18N2O4S; p-caproylaminobenzenesulfonhydroxamide; CAS-No.: 
S.L. Ciminera, P.W. Wilcox J. Pharmaceutical Sciences, 33 (3), 85-90, (1944) Spectrophotometric studies on the sulfonamides

C13H13N3O3S; acetylsulfapyridine; N-acetyl sulfapyridine; CAS-No.: 19077-98-6; PubChem: CID 58638
S.L. Ciminera, P.W. Wilcox J. Pharmaceutical Sciences, 33 (3), 85-90, (1944) Spectrophotometric studies on the sulfonamides

C13H13N3O5S2; succinylsulfathiazole; sulfasuccidine; sulfasuxidine; CAS-No.: 116-43-8; PubChem: CID 5315
S.L. Ciminera, P.W. Wilcox J. Pharmaceutical Sciences, 33 (3), 85-90, (1944) Spectrophotometric studies on the sulfonamides

C13H14N4O3S; N-acetylsulfamerazine; 2-acetylsulfanilamido-4-methylpyrimidine; CAS-No.: 127-73-1
S.L. Ciminera, P.W. Wilcox J. Pharmaceutical Sciences, 33 (3), 85-90, (1944) Spectrophotometric studies on the sulfonamides

C13H15N3O4S; N(4)-acetylsulfisoxazole; N-(4-(((3,4-Dimethyl-5-isoxazolyl)amino)sulfonyl)phenyl)acetamide; CAS-No.: 4206-74-0; PubChem: CID 160743
K. Enoki, N. Takahasi J. Pharm. Soc. Japan, 80 (7), 999-1001, (1960) Studies on Sulfisoxazole. XI. Synthesis of N1-Acetyl-N1-(3, 4-dimethyl-5-pyrazolyl) sulfanilamide

C14H15N4O3S; 2-acetylsulfanilamido-4,6-dimethylpyrimidine; CAS-No.: 
S.L. Ciminera, P.W. Wilcox J. Pharmaceutical Sciences, 33 (3), 85-90, (1944) Spectrophotometric studies on the sulfonamides

C15H14N2O4S; 1-((4-nitrophenyl)sulfonyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline; CAS-No.: 182565-33-9; PubChem: CID
M.V. Cooke, I. Malvacio, W.J. Pelaez, A.J. Pepino, M.R. Mazzieri, G.A. Argüello RSC Advances, 5, 26255-26262, (2015) TD-DFT calculations of UV absorption bands and their intensities in the spectra of some tetrahydroquinolines

C15H15NO2S; 1-(benzenesulfonyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline; CAS-No.: 5434-99-1; PubChem: CID 225584
M.V. Cooke, I. Malvacio, W.J. Pelaez, A.J. Pepino, M.R. Mazzieri, G.A. Argüello RSC Advances, 5, 26255-26262, (2015) TD-DFT calculations of UV absorption bands and their intensities in the spectra of some tetrahydroquinolines

C15H16N2O2S; 1-(4-amine-benzenesulfonyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline; CAS-No.: 5455-89-0; PubChem:
M.V. Cooke, I. Malvacio, W.J. Pelaez, A.J. Pepino, M.R. Mazzieri, G.A. Argüello RSC Advances, 5, 26255-26262, (2015) TD-DFT calculations of UV absorption bands and their intensities in the spectra of some tetrahydroquinolines

C15H17N3O5S; N1,N4-diacetyl sulfisoxazole; CAS-No.: 
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C17H18N2O3S; 1-(4-acetamide-benzenesulfonyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline; CAS-No.: 297178-83-7; PubChem: CID
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C14H14O2S2; bis(4-methoxyphenyl) disulfide; disulfide, bis(4-methoxyphenyl); CAS-No.: 5335-87-5; PubChem: CID 79258
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C12H10S2; diphenyl disulfide; phenyl disulfide; CAS-No.: 882-33-7; PubChem: 13436
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C14H14S2; bis(4-tolyl) disulfide; p-tolyl disulfide; bis(4-methylphenyl) disulfide; CAS-No.: 103-19-5; PubChem: CID 66027
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C20H26O10S2; lignosulfonic acid; CAS-No.: 8062-15-5; PubChem: CID 24712
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C15H16ClN3S; methylene azure B; azure B; CAS-No.: 531-55-5; PubChem: CID 68275
G.S. Singhal, E. Rabinowitch J. Phys. Chem., 71 (10), 3347-3349, (1967) Changes in the absorption spectrum of methylene blue with pH

C16H18ClN3S; methylene blue; swiss blue; CAS-No.: 61-73-4; PubChem: CID 6099
K. Bergmann, C.T. O'Konski J. Phys. Chem., 67 (10), 2169-2177, (1963) A spectroscopic study of methylene blue monomer, dimer, and complexes with montmorillonite

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C21H18O5S; m-cresolsulfonphthalein; metacresol purple; m-cresol purple; CAS-No.: 2303-01-7; PubChem: CID 73030
E.E. Sager, F.C. Byers J. Res. Nat. Bureau Standards, 57 (1), 33-36, (1957) Spectral absorbance of some aqueous solutions in the range 10° to 40° C