UV/Vis+ Photochemistry Database

Courtesy: Elisabeth Noelle Fund for Scientific Data Exchange (non omnis moriar)


UV/Vis+ Photochemistry Database / Literature Service (free of charge)

Spectral information (gas, liquid and solid phase from EUV-VUV-UV-Vis-NIR) and related data (e.g. quantum yield studies or photolysis studies).

List of universities/governmental organizations which have campus-wide full access (datasheets, spectral data, graphical representations and other photochemical data and information) via IP-number authentication.

If you are looking for a specific substance, please use the search-tool (full text search for authors, substance names, chemical formulas, CAS numbers etc.) or see the Substance-list.

Substance Groups

Alkali Compounds

Aromatic Compounds

Carbon Oxides


Halogenated Alkanes, Alkenes

Halogenated Aromatics

Halogenated Carbonyl Compounds

Halogenated Nitrogen Compounds




Nitrogen Acids

Nitrogen/Nitrogen Oxides

Noble Gases

Organic Acids/Esters

Organic Carbonyl Compounds

Organic Nitrogen Compounds

Organic Peroxy Compounds

Other Oxygenated Organics

Oxygen Hydrogen Compounds

PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)

PBDE (Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers)

PCDD (Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins)




Sulfur Compounds

Other Species (not yet categorized)

Related Data and Information

Make your subscription now. Please ask for our special discounts for Libraries.

One-time registration for University libraries and libraries of governmental research centers allows unlimited full access to the "Spectra Service"

To minimize the bureaucratically expenditure a one-time registration for university libraries and governmental organizations is possible from now on. However, we do charge a one time registration fee of 800 EURO for such institutions to help maintain this non-profit service to the scientific community. So, a one-off expense, which includes the latest issue of the “UV/Vis+ Spectra Data Base” CD-ROM series, will provide your institution permanent access to the database (spectral data, datasheets, additional photochemistry data and information) via IP-number. Please note that the database is more than 20 years on-line and in permanent progress, additional spectra/datasheets will be added continuously. For more information please contact our helpdesk.