science-softCon Software / CD-ROMs
Data Utilization
Software Tools for
Interactive Use of the AUC (DUST-1)
A. Nölle, F. Pätzold, W. Mett, G.K. Hartmann, P. Behr
Manual (pdf-document, 630 KB).
The satellite data product specifications
requested by scientists, public authorities, schools, commercial users or the
media are as varied as these groups themselves. However, data centers must
concentrate on the operational generation of only a few selected data products,
since their processing is elaborate and complex.
This provided the motivation to develop easy-to-use software which takes into
account user specifications collected over a long period of time, to combine it
with data selected from the archives of the ATMOS User Center (AUC).
DUST-1 focuses on providing software for processing level 3 data available at
the AUC from the GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment), TOMS (Total Ozone
Mapping Spectrometer), and MAS (Millimeter Wave Atmospheric Sounder) instruments.
A calendar tool makes it easy to search for desired data sets on the
The software functionality includes visualization, animation, and mathematical/statistical
processing of the data sets. Thus GOME and TOMS total ozone column densities can
be displayed in either epicylindrical or spherical projections. It is possible
to zoom into the projection or to enlarge spatially defined excerpts, whereby
the cursor shows the location (lat/long) and the Dobson Units in a special
window. The spherical projection can be rotated in any direction. For MAS data,
which supplies the altitude profiles of water vapour and ozone, the software
offers in addition to the zoom and excerpting functions the possibility of
directly viewing the profile at a desired altitude, or of examining the entire
profiles by scanning through the altitude intervals.
The DUST-1 CD-ROM is the result of a collaboration between DFD-DLR
(Oberpfaffenhofen), Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie (Katlenburg-Lindau), and
DUST-1 is bilingual (german/english). For detailed software description see the DUST-1 Manual.
Order at: helpdesk, (Shipping & Handling: 15 EURO).
Data Utilization Software Tools (DUST-2)
G. K. Hartmann, A. Nölle, M. L. Richards, R. Leitinger
The expected strong increase of atmospheric data will be a great challenge for all related data base
systems. Graphical tools providing an obvious and intuitive interface to the data, both numerical and
textual get increasingly important for data bases, proportional to the magnitude of the data
flux. They assist in exploring, selecting from, and searching the database. They have been combined and
investigated in context with a pilot project for the validation of atmospheric data, on behalf of the
Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie in Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany.
Here, classical and modern documentation methods – comprising data classification, storage and
retrieval – and validation methods for selected data and texts of the Earth’s atmosphere can be
interactively graphically linked and the results displayed. This is accompanied by some basic articles
and a glossary in English and German. The software functionality includes visualization, animation
and mathematical statistical processing and allows to reveal ozone trends or to ascertain differences
between data sets.
DUST-2 CD-ROM is a result of the above mentioned pilot project, and is intended to show the synergy
of the graphical linkage between relevant texts and data and should help to improve the present
unsatisfactorily availability of qualified filtered, direct useable information. In this context two
(new) information processing methods were for the first time very successfully tested with data and texts
from the Earth’s atmosphere, i.e. with ozone data and texts. The first is based on the method of
Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), the second on document similarity measures and self organising
maps. All this should further initiate and support related learning processes.
DUST-2 combines three independent stand alone applications (DUST, Toscana,
SOMAccess) via an
HTML interface.
A sample of processing and visualization of ozone
data is given as view graph.
The Datatable gives an overview about the data stored on DUST-2.
Order at: helpdesk, ISBN 3-9804862-3-0 (2000), (Shipping & Handling: 15 EURO)
UV/Vis Spectra of Atmospheric Constituents, (1998)
A. Nölle, F. Pätzold, S. Pätzold, R. Meller, G.K. Moortgat, E.P. Röth, R. Ruhnke, H. Keller-Rudek
This CD-ROM spectra data base is the
result of a collaboration between Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry Mainz,
University of Essen, Research Center Karlsruhe and German Remote Sensing Data
Center (DFD) of German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR) Oberpfaffenhofen
and is available free-of-charge for academic purposes (commercial users please
contact our helpdesk).
The CD-ROM contains about 1200 spectra and spectra data sheets of 120
atmospheric constituents in the uv/vis region. In addition a small visualization
and processing tool is available.
The Spectra CD-ROM is free-of-charge for academic non-commercial use (commercial users please contact our helpdesk)
Order at: helpdesk, ISBN 3-89100-030-8 (1998), (Shipping & Handling: 15 EURO)
UV/Vis Spectra Data Base, 2nd Edition (2003)
Editor: Andreas Noelle
The 2nd edition (2003) of the CD-ROM "UV/Vis Spectra Data Base" (science-softCon Publication 0301, 2003) contains about 2000 spectra (high and low resolutions) and spectra data sheets of some 200 substances. In comparison to Version 1 ("UV/Vis Spectra of Atmospheric Constituents") new substance groups ("Aromatic Compounds" and "Hydrogen Carbons") are added to the data base. The content of the CD-ROM is the content of the on-line UV/Vis Spectra Data Base" as of January 2003.
UV/Vis Spectra Data Base, 3rd Edition (2004)
Andreas Noelle (science-softCon), Mark Allen*(NASA/JPL), Nikolaus P. Ernsting*(Humboldt
University Berlin), Arne K. Richter*(Copernicus e.V.)
The 3rd edition of the science-softCon UV/Vis Spectra Data Base" contains about 2500 spectra/data sheets (ascii-format) of some 360 substances. The data base is subdivided into 16 substance groups..
Aromatic Compounds | Dyes | Halogenated Alkanes/Alkenes | Halogenated Carbonyl Compounds |
Halogenated Nitrogen Compounds | Halogens/Halogen Oxides | Hydrogen Carbons | Hydrogenhalides/Hypohalides |
Nitrogen Acids | Nitrogen Oxides | Organic Carbonyl Compounds | Organic Nitrogen Compounds |
Other Oxygenated Compounds | Oxygen Hydrogen Compounds | Sulfur Species | Other Species |
UV/Vis Spectra Data Base, 4th Edition (2005)
Andreas Noelle (science-softCon), Gerd K. Hartmann (science-softCon), David
Lary (NASA-GSFC), Wolf-Ulrich Palm (University of Lueneburg),
Ann Carine Vandaele (Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomie), Richard P. Wayne
(University of Oxford), Robert Wu (University of Southern California)
The 4th edition of the science-softCon "UV/Vis Spectra Data Base" contains about 2800 spectra/data sheets (ascii-format) of some 400 substances. The data base is subdivided into 19 substance groups.
Alkali Compounds | Aromatic Compounds | Dyes | Halogenated Alkanes/Alkenes |
Halogenated Carbonyl Compounds | Halogenated Nitrogen Compounds | Halogens/Halogen Oxides | Hydrocarbons |
Hydrogenhalides/Hypohalides | Nitrogen Acids | Nitrogen Oxides | Organic Acids/Esters |
Organic Carbonyl Compounds | Organic Nitrogen Compounds | Other Oxygenated Organics | Oxygen Hydrogen Compounds |
Pesticides | Sulfur Compounds | Other Species |
The CD-ROM is available for 100 EURO
80 EURO (50 EURO 40 EURO: academic utilization, universities, governmental
non-profit organizations) plus shipping &
handling 10 EURO.
Order: helpdesk, by fax (+49 (0)6181 498415), or via your local bookseller (e.g. D A Information Services PTY LTD (Australia), Sanyo Trading Co., Ltd. (Japan) ), or via Copernicus; science-softCon Publication 0501 (ISBN 3-00-016199-6).
UV/Vis Spectra Data Base, 5th Edition (2007)
Andreas Noelle (science-softCon), Gerd K. Hartmann (science-softCon), David
Lary (NASA-GSFC), Stéphane
Le Calvé (Centre de Géochimie de la Surface), Sebastian
Trick (ABB Analytical), Ann Carine Vandaele (Belgian Institute for Space
Aeronomie), Richard P. Wayne
(University of Oxford), C.Y. Robert Wu (University of Southern California)
The 5th edition of the science-softCon "UV/Vis Spectra Data Base" contains about 3200 spectra/data sheets (ascii-format) from published papers of some 550 substances. The data base is subdivided into 21 substance groups.
Alkali Compounds | Aromatic Compounds | Carbon Oxides | Dyes |
Halogenated Alkanes/Alkenes | Halogenated Carbonyl Compounds | Halogenated Nitrogen Compounds | Halogens/Halogen Oxides |
Hydrocarbons | Hydrogenhalides/Hypohalides | Nitrogen Acids | Nitrogen Oxides |
Organic Acids/Esters | Organic Carbonyl Compounds | Organic Nitrogen Compounds | Organic Peroxy Compounds |
Other Oxygenated Organics | Oxygen Hydrogen Compounds | Pesticides | Sulfur Compounds |
Other Species |
The CD-ROM is available for 150 EURO
120 EURO(100 EURO 80 EURO: universities, governmental
non-profit organizations) plus shipping &
handling 10 EURO (free shipping & handling within
Order: helpdesk, by fax (+49 (0)6181 498415), via your local bookseller or D A Information Services PTY LTD (Australia), Sanyo Trading Co., Ltd. (Japan) ); science-softCon Publication 0701 (ISBN 978-3-00-021327-4).
UV/Vis+ Spectra Data Base, 6th Edition (2008)
Andreas Noelle (science-softCon), Gerd K. Hartmann (science-softCon), Askar
Fahr (Howard University), David
Lary (NASA-GSFC), Stéphane
Le Calvé (Centre de Géochimie de la Surface), John J.
Orlando (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research), Ann Carine Vandaele
(Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomie), Richard P. Wayne
(University of Oxford), C.Y. Robert Wu (University of Southern California)
The 6th edition of the science-softCon "UV/Vis Spectra Data Base" contains about 4500 spectra/data sheets (ascii-format) and additional photochemistry information from published papers of about 700 substances. The data base is subdivided into 23 substance groups.
Alkali Compounds | Aromatic Compounds | Carbon Oxides | Dyes |
Halogenated Alkanes/Alkenes | Halogenated Aromatics | Halogenated Carbonyl Compounds | Halogenated Nitrogen Compounds |
Halogens/Halogen Oxides | Hydrocarbons | Hydrogenhalides/Hypohalides | Nitrogen Acids |
Nitrogen Oxides | Novel Gases | Organic Acids/Esters | Organic Carbonyl Compounds |
Organic Nitrogen Compounds | Organic Peroxy Compounds | Other Oxygenated Organics | Oxygen Hydrogen Compounds |
Pesticides | Sulfur Compounds | Other Species |
The CD-ROM is available for 160
140 EURO (110 100 EURO:
universities, governmental organizations,
non-profit organizations) plus shipping &
handling 10 EURO (free shipping & handling within Germany).
We will provide customers who have purchased the 5th Edition Spectra CD an Update
for 40 EURO, contact our helpdesk.
ISBN: 978-3-00-026588-4;
Order: helpdesk, by fax (+49 (0)6181 498415), via your local bookseller or D A Information Services PTY LTD (Australia), Sanyo Trading Co., Ltd. (Japan) ); science-softCon Publication 0801.
UV/Vis+ Spectra Data Base, 7th Edition (2010)
Andreas Noelle (science-softCon), Gerd K. Hartmann
(science-softCon), Askar
Fahr (Howard University), David
Lary (NASA-GSFC), Stéphane
Le Calvé (Centre de Géochimie de la Surface), Paulo
Limao-Vieira (New University of Lisbon), Francisco J. Martin-Torres (California
Institute of Technology), John J.
Orlando (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research), Farid Salama (NASA-Ames
Research Center), Ann Carine Vandaele (Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomie), Richard P. Wayne
(University of Oxford), C.Y. Robert Wu (University of Southern California)
"Honorary Editor"
Johannes Orphal (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
The 7th edition of the science-softCon "UV/Vis+ Spectra Data Base" contains about 5600 spectra/data sheets (ascii-format) and additional photochemistry information from published papers of about 900 substances. The data base is subdivided into 27 substance groups.
Alkali Compounds | Aromatic Compounds | Carbon Oxides | Dyes |
Halogenated Alkanes/Alkenes | Halogenated Aromatics | Halogenated Carbonyl Compounds | Halogenated Nitrogen Compounds |
Halogens/Halogen Oxides | Hydrocarbons | Hydrogenhalides/Hypohalides | Nitrogen Acids |
Nitrogen Oxides | Noble Gases | Organic Acids/Esters | Organic Carbonyl Compounds |
Organic Nitrogen Compounds | Organic Peroxy Compounds | Other Oxygenated Organics | Oxygen Hydrogen Compounds |
PAHs | PBDEs | PCDDs | Pesticides/Herbicides |
Radicals | Sulfur Compounds | Other Species |
The CD-ROM is available for 160 EURO (110 EURO:
universities, governmental organizations,
non-profit organizations) plus shipping &
handling 10 EURO (free shipping & handling within Germany).
We will provide customers who have purchased the 6th Edition Spectra CD an Update
for 40 EURO, contact our helpdesk.
ISBN: 978-3-00-030970-0
Order: helpdesk, by fax (+49 (0)6181 498415), via your local bookseller or D A Information Services PTY LTD (Australia), Sanyo Trading Co., Ltd. (Japan) ); science-softCon Publication 1001.
UV/Vis+ Spectra Data Base, 8th Edition (2011)
Andreas Noelle (science-softCon, DE), Gerd K. Hartmann (science-softCon, DE), Askar
Fahr (American Chemical Society-Petroleum Research, USA), David
Lary (University of Texas, Dallas, USA), Stéphane
Le Calvé (Centre de Géochimie de la Surface, FR),
Yuan-Pern Lee (National Chiao Tung University, TW), Paulo
Limao-Vieira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT), Francisco J. Martin-Torres (Centro
de Astrobiologia, INTA-CSIC, ES), John J.
Orlando (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, USA), Farid Salama
Research Center, USA), Ann Carine Vandaele (Belgian Institute for Space
Aeronomie, BE), Richard P. Wayne
(University of Oxford, UK), C.Y. Robert Wu (University of Southern California,
"Honorary Editor"
Joshua B. Halpern (Howard University, USA)
The 8th edition of the science-softCon "UV/Vis+ Spectra Data Base" contains about 6400 spectra/data sheets (ascii-format) and additional photochemistry information from published papers from about 950 substances. The data base is subdivided into 27 substance groups.
Alkali Compounds | Aromatic Compounds | Carbon Oxides | Dyes |
Halogenated Alkanes/Alkenes | Halogenated Aromatics | Halogenated Carbonyl Compounds | Halogenated Nitrogen Compounds |
Halogens/Halogen Oxides | Hydrocarbons | Hydrogenhalides/Hypohalides | Nitrogen Acids |
Nitrogen Oxides | Noble Gases | Organic Acids/Esters | Organic Carbonyl Compounds |
Organic Nitrogen Compounds | Organic Peroxy Compounds | Other Oxygenated Organics | Oxygen Hydrogen Compounds |
PAHs | PBDEs | PCDDs | Pesticides/Herbicides |
Radicals | Sulfur Compounds | Other Species |
The CD-ROM is available for 160 EURO
(120 EURO: universities, governmental organizations,
non-profit organizations) plus shipping &
handling 10 EURO (free shipping & handling within Germany).
For more information contact our helpdesk.
ISBN: 978-3-00-036264-4;
Order: helpdesk, by fax (+49 (0)6181 498415), via your local bookseller or Infortrieve (USA), D A Information Services PTY LTD (Australia), Sanyo Trading Co., Ltd. (Japan); science-softCon Publication 1101.
UV/Vis+ Spectra Data Base, 9th Edition (2013)
Andreas Noelle (science-softCon, DE), Gerd K. Hartmann (science-softCon, DE), Askar
Fahr (American Chemical Society-Petroleum Research, USA), David
Lary (University of Texas, Dallas, USA),
Yuan-Pern Lee (National Chiao Tung University, TW), Paulo
Limao-Vieira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT), Francisco J. Martin-Torres (Centro
de Astrobiologia, INTA-CSIC, ES), John J.
Orlando (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, USA), Farid Salama
Research Center, USA), Ann Carine Vandaele (Belgian Institute for Space
Aeronomie, BE), Richard P. Wayne
(University of Oxford, UK), C.Y. Robert Wu (University of Southern California,
"Honorary Editor"
G. Gerson B. de Souza (Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
The 9th edition of the science-softCon "UV/Vis+ Spectra Data Base" contains about 6900 spectra/data sheets (ascii-format) as well as more than 1300 graphical representations and additional photochemistry information from published papers for about 1000 substances. The data base is subdivided into 27 substance groups. More Information.
Alkali Compounds | Aromatic Compounds | Carbon Oxides | Dyes |
Halogenated Alkanes/Alkenes | Halogenated Aromatics | Halogenated Carbonyl Compounds | Halogenated Nitrogen Compounds |
Halogens/Halogen Oxides | Hydrocarbons | Hydrogenhalides/Hypohalides | Nitrogen Acids |
Nitrogen Oxides | Noble Gases | Organic Acids/Esters | Organic Carbonyl Compounds |
Organic Nitrogen Compounds | Organic Peroxy Compounds | Other Oxygenated Organics | Oxygen Hydrogen Compounds |
PAHs | PBDEs | PCDDs | Pesticides/Herbicides |
Radicals | Sulfur Compounds | Other Species |
The CD-ROM is available for 180 EURO
(160 EURO: universities, governmental organizations,
non-profit organizations) plus shipping &
handling 10 EURO (free shipping & handling within Germany).
For more information contact our helpdesk.
ISBN: 978-3-00-041177-9;
Order: helpdesk, by fax (+49 (0)6181 498415), via your local bookseller or Infortrieve (USA), D A Information Services PTY LTD (Australia), Sanyo Trading Co., Ltd. (Japan); science-softCon Publication 1301.
UV/Vis+ Spectra Data Base, 10th Edition (2015)
Andreas Noelle (science-softCon, DE), Gerd K. Hartmann (science-softCon, DE), Askar
Fahr (American Chemical Society-Petroleum Research, USA), David
Lary (University of Texas, Dallas, USA),
Yuan-Pern Lee (National Chiao Tung University, TW), Paulo
Limao-Vieira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT), Robert Locht (University of
Liege, BE), Francisco J. Martin-Torres (Lulea Technical University, SE), John J.
Orlando (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, USA), Farid Salama
Research Center, USA), Ann Carine Vandaele (Belgian Institute for Space
Aeronomie, BE), Richard P. Wayne
(University of Oxford, UK)
"Honorary Editor"
D.M.P. Holland (STFC, Daresbury Laboratory, UK)
The 10th edition of the science-softCon "UV/Vis+ Spectra Data Base" contains about 8300 spectra/data sheets (ascii-format) as well as about 3000 graphical representations and additional photochemistry information from published papers for about 1350 substances. The data base is subdivided into 28 substance groups.
Alkali Compounds | Aromatic Compounds | Carbon Oxides | Dyes |
Halogenated Alkanes/Alkenes | Halogenated Aromatics | Halogenated Carbonyl Compounds | Halogenated Nitrogen Compounds |
Halogens/Halogen Oxides | Hydrocarbons | Hydrogenhalides/Hypohalides | Nitrogen Acids |
Nitrogen Oxides | Noble Gases | Organic Acids/Esters | Organic Carbonyl Compounds |
Organic Nitrogen Compounds | Organic Peroxy Compounds | Other Oxygenated Organics | Oxygen Hydrogen Compounds |
PAHs | PBDEs | PCDDs | Pesticides/Herbicides |
Pharmaceuticals | Radicals | Sulfur Compounds | Other Species |
The CD-ROM is available for 200 EURO
(180 EURO: universities, governmental organizations,
non-profit organizations) plus shipping &
handling 10 EURO (free shipping & handling within Germany).
For more information contact our helpdesk.
ISBN: 978-3-00-048020-1
Order: helpdesk, by fax (+49 (0)6181 498415), via your local bookseller or Infortrieve (USA), D A Information Services PTY LTD (Australia), Sanyo Trading Co., Ltd. (Japan); science-softCon Publication 1501.
UV/Vis+ Spectra Data Base, 11th Edition (2017)
Andreas Noelle (science-softCon, DE), Gerd K. Hartmann (science-softCon, DE), Askar
Fahr (American Chemical Society-Petroleum Research, USA), David
Lary (University of Texas, Dallas, USA),
Yuan-Pern Lee (National Chiao Tung University, TW), Paulo
Limao-Vieira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT), Robert Locht (University of
Liege, BE), Francisco J. Martin-Torres (Lulea Technical University, SE),
Kristopher McNeill (ETH Zurich, CH), John J.
Orlando (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, USA), Farid Salama
Research Center, USA), Ann Carine Vandaele (Belgian Institute for Space
Aeronomie, BE), Richard P. Wayne
(University of Oxford, UK)
"Honorary Editor"
Michael Brunger (Flinders University, AU)
The 11th edition of the science-softCon "UV/Vis+ Spectra Data Base" contains about 10500 spectra/data sheets (ascii-format) as well as about 3500 graphical representations and additional photochemistry information from published papers for about 2000 substances. The data base is subdivided into 28 substance groups.
Alkali Compounds | Aromatic Compounds | Carbon Oxides | Dyes |
Halogenated Alkanes/Alkenes | Halogenated Aromatics | Halogenated Carbonyl Compounds | Halogenated Nitrogen Compounds |
Halogens/Halogen Oxides | Hydrocarbons | Hydrogenhalides/Hypohalides | Nitrogen Acids |
Nitrogen Oxides | Noble Gases | Organic Acids/Esters | Organic Carbonyl Compounds |
Organic Nitrogen Compounds | Organic Peroxy Compounds | Other Oxygenated Organics | Oxygen Hydrogen Compounds |
PAHs | PBDEs | PCDDs | Pesticides/Herbicides |
Pharmaceuticals | Radicals | Sulfur Compounds | Other Species |
The CD-ROM is available for 240 EURO (200 EURO: universities, governmental organizations, non-profit organizations) plus shipping & handling 15 EURO (5 EURO shipping & handling within Germany). Payment terms: wire transfer, credit card.
For more information contact our helpdesk.
ISBN: 978-3-00-055351-6;
Order: helpdesk, by fax (+49 (0)6181 498415), via your local bookseller or S.Toeche-Mittler Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH (Germany), Infortrieve (USA), D A Information Services PTY LTD (Australia), Sanyo Trading Co., Ltd. (Japan); science-softCon Publication 1701.
UV/Vis+ Spectra Data Base, 12th Edition (2019)
Andreas Noelle (science-softCon, DE), Gerd K. Hartmann (science-softCon, DE), Askar
Fahr (American Chemical Society-Petroleum Research, USA), David
Lary (University of Texas, Dallas, USA),
Yuan-Pern Lee (National Chiao Tung University, TW), Paulo
Limao-Vieira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT), Robert Locht (University of
Liege, BE), Francisco J. Martin-Torres (Lulea Technical University, SE),
Kristopher McNeill (ETH Zurich, CH), John J.
Orlando (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, USA), Farid Salama
Research Center, USA), Ann Carine Vandaele (Belgian Institute for Space
Aeronomie, BE), Richard P. Wayne
(University of Oxford, UK)
"Honorary Editor"
B.N. Rajasekhar (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India)
The 12th edition of the science-softCon "UV/Vis+ Spectra Data Base" has been completely revised and contains about 13500 spectra/data sheets (ascii-format) as well as about 5000 graphical representations and additional photochemistry information from published papers for about 2800 substances. The data base is subdivided into 28 substance groups.
Alkali Compounds | Aromatic Compounds | Carbon Oxides | Dyes |
Halogenated Alkanes/Alkenes | Halogenated Aromatics | Halogenated Carbonyl Compounds | Halogenated Nitrogen Compounds |
Halogens/Halogen Oxides | Hydrocarbons | Hydrogenhalides/Hypohalides | Nitrogen Acids |
Nitrogen Oxides | Noble Gases | Organic Acids/Esters | Organic Carbonyl Compounds |
Organic Nitrogen Compounds | Organic Peroxy Compounds | Other Oxygenated Organics | Oxygen Hydrogen Compounds |
PAHs | PBDEs | PCDDs | Pesticides/Herbicides |
Pharmaceuticals | Radicals | Sulfur Compounds | Other Species |
Preface from the "Honorary Editor" Preface and Review.
The CD-ROM is available for 260 EURO (200 EURO: universities, governmental organizations, non-profit organizations) plus shipping & handling 15 EURO (5 EURO shipping & handling within Germany). Other storage media upon request.
The purchase includes 6 months access to the online database (academic utilization only, the database is updated weekly).
Special offer: 50 EURO (academic utilization only, no online access included) plus shipping & handling (15 EURO worldwide, 5 EURO within Germany).
For more information contact our helpdesk.
ISBN: 978-3-00-063188-7
Order: helpdesk, by fax (+49 (0)6181 498415), via your local bookseller or S.Toeche-Mittler Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH (Germany), D A Information Services PTY LTD (Australia), Sanyo Trading Co., Ltd. (Japan); science-softCon Publication 1901.