UV/Vis+ Photochemistry Database

Courtesy: Elisabeth Noelle Fund for Scientific Data Exchange (non omnis moriar)


UV/Vis+ Photochemistry Database

Literature-Service: Sulfur containing radicals and ions

Substances (unsorted): CS, CCS, FSO3, FSO5, FSO2N, CF3OS, CF3SO, CF3SOO, CH3S, CH3SCH2, CH3SCH2O2, CH3SO2, CH3SO3, HOSO, HSO2, (SCN)2-, SO2-, SO3-, SO4-, SO4(2-), SO5-, S2O3-, S2O3(2-), S4O6(2-), S4O6(3-), S2O8(2-)

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Authors Journal/Source Title/Paper Data Sheet
CS; carbon monosulfide; carbon sulfide; CAS-No.: 2944-05-0
Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, X. Ai, Z. Zhang, J. Li J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 243, 106836, (2020) Measurement of the absorption cross sections of unstable CS based on the dynamic equilibrium of CS2 and CS in the photolysis of CS2

E. Riaplov, M. Wyss, J.P. Maier, D. Panten, G. Chambaud, P. Rosmus, J. Fabian J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 222, 15-21, (2003) Electronic absorption spectra of CCS- and CCS in neon matrices

FSO3; fluorosulfate radical; CAS-No.: 21549-02-0
C.J. Cobos, A.E. Croce de Cobos, H. Hippler, E. Castellano J. Phys. Chem., 93, 3089-3094, (1989) Direct determination of the limiting high-pressure rate constants of the system FSO3 + FSO3 <--> F2S2O6 over the temperature range 293 - 381 K

A.E. Croce J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 51, 293-299, (1990) Spectrokinetic determination of fluorosulphate radical absorption cross-sections

J.D. Burley, H.S. Johnston J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 66, 141-151, (1992) Photoabsorption cross-sections of (FSO3)2 and FSO3

C.J. Cobos, A.E. Croce, E. Castellano J. Fluorine Chem., 79, 157-160, (1996) Absorption cross-sections for vibrationally excited fluorosulphate radicals

M.E. Tucceri, M.P. Badenes, A.E. Croce, C.J. Cobos Chem. Commun., 1, 71-72, (2001) Kinetics of formation of the novel peroxide FC(O)OO(O2)SF

H. Beckers, P. Garcia, H. Willner, G.A. Arguello, C.J. Cobos, J.S. Francisco Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 46, 3754-3757, (2007) Side-On versus End-On Bonding of O2 to the FSO3 Radical: Matrix Isolation and Ab Initio Study of FSO5

A.E. Croce, C.J. Cobos, E. Castellano J. Fluorine Chem., 82, 91-97, (1997) Kinetics of formation and unimolecular decomposition of the FS(O2)OOO radical

H. Beckers, P. Garcia, H. Willner, G.A. Arguello, C.J. Cobos, J.S. Francisco Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 46, 3754-3757, (2007) Side-On versus End-On Bonding of O2 to the FSO3 Radical: Matrix Isolation and Ab Initio Study of FSO5

FSO2N; fluorosulfonyl nitrene radical; CAS-No.:
X. Zeng, H. Beckers, H. Willner J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135, 6, 2096–2099, (2013) Thermally Persistent Fluorosulfonyl Nitrene and Unexpected Formation of the Fluorosulfonyl Radical

CF3OS; trifluoromethyl oxathiyl radical; CAS-No.:
Z. Wu, J. Xu, G. Deng, X. Chu, L. Sokolenko, T. Trabelsi, J.S. Francisco, A.K. Eckhardt, P.R. Schreiner, X. Zeng Chemistry, Eur. J., 24 (7), 1505-1508, (2018) The Trifluoromethyl Sulfinyl and Oxathiyl Radicals

CF3SO; trifluoromethyl sulfinyl radical; CAS-No.:
Z. Wu, J. Xu, G. Deng, X. Chu, L. Sokolenko, T. Trabelsi, J.S. Francisco, A.K. Eckhardt, P.R. Schreiner, X. Zeng Chemistry, Eur. J., 24 (7), 1505-1508, (2018) The Trifluoromethyl Sulfinyl and Oxathiyl Radicals

CF3SOO; CF3O2S trifluoromethyl thiylperoxy radical; CAS-No.:
B. Zhu, Z. Wu, L. Wang, B. Lu, T. Trabelsi, J.S. Francisco, X. Zeng Chem. Comm., 57, 12143-12146, (2021) Matrix-isolated trifluoromethylthiyl radical: sulfur atom transfer, isomerization and oxidation reactions

CH3S; methylthio radical; methylsulfanyl; CAS-No.: 7175-75-9; PubChem: CID 123247
Z. Wu, X. Shao, B. Zhu, L. Wang, B. Lu, T. Trabelsi, J.S. Francisco, X. Zeng Comm. Chem., 5, 19, (2022) Spectroscopic characterization of two peroxyl radicals during the O2-oxidation of the methylthio radical

C2H5S; CH3SCH2; methylthiomethyl radical; CAS-No.: 
T.J. Wallington, T. Ellermann, O.J. Nielsen J. Phys. Chem., 97, 8442-8449, (1993) Atmospheric chemistry of dimethyl sulfide: UV spectra and self-reaction kinetics of CH3SCH2 and CH3SCH2O2 radicals and kinetics of the reactions CH3SCH2 + O2 --> CH3SCH2O2 and CH3SCH2O2 + NO --> CH3SCH2O + NO2

CH3SCH2O2; methylthiomethylperoxy radical; CAS-No.:
T.J. Wallington, T. Ellermann, O.J. Nielsen J. Phys. Chem., 97, 8442-8449, (1993) Atmospheric chemistry of dimethyl sulfide: UV spectra and self-reaction kinetics of CH3SCH2 and CH3SCH2O2 radicals and kinetics of the reactions CH3SCH2 + O2 --> CH3SCH2O2 and CH3SCH2O2 + NO --> CH3SCH2O + NO2

CH3SO2; CH3O2S; methyl thiylperoxy radical; CAS-No.:
Z. Wu, X. Shao, B. Zhu, L. Wang, B. Lu, T. Trabelsi, J.S. Francisco, X. Zeng Comm. Chem., 5, 19, (2022) Spectroscopic characterization of two peroxyl radicals during the O2-oxidation of the methylthio radical

CH3SO3; CH3O3S; methylsulfonyloxyl radical; CAS-No.:
B. Zhu, X. Zeng, H. Beckers, J.S. Francisco, H. Willner Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 54, 11404–11408, (2015) The Methylsulfonyloxyl Radical, CH3SO3

HOSO; (hydroxythio)oxidanyl; hydroxidooxidosulfur radical; HOSO radical; CAS-No.:
B. Lu, T. Trabelsi, V.J. Esposito, R.C. Fortenberry, J.S. Francisco, X. Zeng J. Phys. Chem. A, 125, 50, 10615–10621, (2021) Spectroscopic Characterization of HSO2• and HOSO• Intermediates Involved in SO2 Geoengineering

HSO2; sulfinic acid radical; CAS-No.:
B. Lu, T. Trabelsi, V.J. Esposito, R.C. Fortenberry, J.S. Francisco, X. Zeng J. Phys. Chem. A, 125, 50, 10615–10621, (2021) Spectroscopic Characterization of HSO2• and HOSO• Intermediates Involved in SO2 Geoengineering

(SCN)2-; thiocyanate dimer radical anion; CAS-No.:
H. Herrmann, D. Hoffmann, T. Schaefer, P. Braeuer, A. Tilgner ChemPhysChem, 11, 3796-3822, (2010) Tropospheric Aqueous-Phase Free-Radical Chemistry: Radical Sources, Spectra, Reaction Kinetics and Prediction Tools

SO2-; sulfur dioxide anion; CAS-No.: 12143-17-8
E. Hayon, A. Treinin, J. Wilf J. Am. Chem. Soc., 94, 1, 47–57, (1972) Electronic spectra, photochemistry, and autoxidation mechanism of the sulfite-bisulfite-pyrosulfite systems. SO2-, SO3-, SO4-, and SO5- radicals

SO3-; sulfite radical anion; sulfur trioxide radical anion; CAS-No.: 12210-38-7
E. Hayon, A. Treinin, J. Wilf J. Am. Chem. Soc., 94, 1, 47–57, (1972) Electronic spectra, photochemistry, and autoxidation mechanism of the sulfite-bisulfite-pyrosulfite systems. SO2-, SO3-, SO4-, and SO5- radicals

H. Herrmann Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,9, 3935-3964, (2007) On the photolysis of simple anions and neutral molecules as sources of O-/OH, SOx- and Cl in aqueous solution

SO4-; SO4 radical anion; sulfate radical; CAS-No.: 12143-45-2
E. Hayon, A. Treinin, J. Wilf J. Am. Chem. Soc., 94, 1, 47–57, (1972) Electronic spectra, photochemistry, and autoxidation mechanism of the sulfite-bisulfite-pyrosulfite systems. SO2-, SO3-, SO4-, and SO5- radicals

H. Herrmann, D. Hoffmann, T. Schaefer, P. Braeuer, A. Tilgner ChemPhysChem, 11, 3796-3822, (2010) Tropospheric Aqueous-Phase Free-Radical Chemistry: Radical Sources, Spectra, Reaction Kinetics and Prediction Tools

SO4(2-); sulfate; sulfate anion; CAS-No.: 14808-79-8; PubChem: CID 1117
J.L. Weeks, G.M.A.C. Meaburn, S. Gordon Radiation Research, 19 (3), 559-567, (1963) Absorption Coefficients of Liquid Water and Aqueous Solutions in the Far Ultraviolet

SO5-; SO5 radical anion; sulfur pentoxide radical anion; CAS-No.:
E. Hayon, A. Treinin, J. Wilf J. Am. Chem. Soc., 94, 1, 47–57, (1972) Electronic spectra, photochemistry, and autoxidation mechanism of the sulfite-bisulfite-pyrosulfite systems. SO2-, SO3-, SO4-, and SO5- radicals

H. Herrmann Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,9, 3935-3964, (2007) On the photolysis of simple anions and neutral molecules as sources of O-/OH, SOx- and Cl in aqueous solution

S2O3-; thiosulfate radical anion; CAS-No.:
M. Schoeneshoefer Int. J. Radiat. Phys. Chem., 5, 375-376, (1973) Pulsradiolytische untersuchung über das S4O6(3-)-radikal als zwischenprodukt der thiosulfatoxidation und tetrathionatreduktion

S2O3(2-); thiosulfate ion; thiosulfate; sulfurothioate; CAS-No.: 14383-50-7; PubChem: CID 1084
A.D. Awtrey, R.E. Connick J. Am. Chem. Soc., 73 (4), 1842-1843, (1951) The Absorption Spectra of I2, I3-, I-, IO3-, S4O6- and S2O3-. Heat of the Reaction I3- = I2 + I-

S4O6(2-); tetrathionate; tetrathionate ion(2-); CAS-No.: 15536-54-6; PubChem: CID 4657547
A.D. Awtrey, R.E. Connick J. Am. Chem. Soc., 73 (4), 1842-1843, (1951) The Absorption Spectra of I2, I3-, I-, IO3-, S4O6- and S2O3-. Heat of the Reaction I3- = I2 + I-

S4O6(3-); S4O6(3-) radical anion; CAS-No.:
M. Schoeneshoefer Int. J. Radiat. Phys. Chem., 5, 375-376, (1973) Pulsradiolytische untersuchung über das S4O6(3-)-radikal als zwischenprodukt der thiosulfatoxidation und tetrathionatreduktion

S2O8(2-); peroxydisulfate ion; CAS-No.: 15092-81-6; PubChem: CID 107879
J. Zhao, E.M. Payne, B. Liu, C. Shang, E.R. Blatchley III, W.A. Mitch, R. Yin Water Research, 241, 120169, (2023) Making Waves: Opportunities and Challenges of Applying Far-UVC Radiation in Controlling Micropollutants in Water

R. Yin, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, J. Zhao, C. Shang Environ. Sci. Technol., 58, 13, 6030–6038, (2024) Far-UVC Photolysis of Peroxydisulfate for Micropollutant Degradation in Water