science-softCon uv/vis+ photochemistry database;; (C) science-softCon 2019 Substance: oxygen Other Names: Formula: O2 CAS-No.: 7782-44-7 Study: high-pressure optical spectroscopy Authors: M. Nicol, K. Syassen Title: High-pressure optical spectra of condensed oxygen Journal/Source: Phys. Rev. B, 28 (3), 1201-1206, (1983); DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.28.1201 Data: Energy/Wavelength range: 1.5 - 3.5 eV (~ 354 - 826 nm) Resolution: Temperature: 298 K Temperature dependence: Pressure/Concentration: up to 40 GPa Phase: fluid and three solid phases pH: Comments: Optical-absorption spectra (1.5-3.5 eV) of the fluid and three solid phases of O2 have been recorded up to 40 GPa near 298 K. Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: (e-mail address):